Soon steam can be seen coming out of the liquid.
The steam can generate electricity by turning an electric generator.
This machine hot air and steam can be used simultaneously can be used alone.
Short-time cooking with low pressure steam can produce delicious soymilk of high quality.
Topically, 1 pound of steam can be used to generate a little less than 1 pound of vapor through.
The vaporized steam can be pumped out through vacuum exhaust pipe when the damp raw material absorbed heat.
Topically, 1 pound of steam can be used to generate a little less than 1 pound of vapor through evaporation.
The patented-designed steam can is of high heat efficiency and quick steam production, saving gas and energy.
Bead content of the received steam can be greatly reduced through the invention, and the thermal efficiency is high.
The steam can be used to generate electricity and well as hot water that can be pumped to local homes and commercial buildings.
Through the cost analysis, emphasis condensate water recovery system in steam can save energy, make the great economy value.
For now, STEAM can only produce images composed of just 3, 000 pixels, a far cry from the multi-million-pixel cameras used by consumers.
Chimney steam can be diverted to heat greenhouses. Unused meat and bone from cattle rendering can be burned as fuel for cement production.
If the regenerative air dryer will be oil steam can be in its pollution, upstream oil filters to set up steam extend the service life of desiccant.
If oil vapor or other hydrocarbons to system cause problems, or processes can't deal with oil steam can be in the air, line installed oil steam filter.
The paper analyzed the feasibility if converter steam can be used to RH refining furnace, because large quantity steam from converters waste heat boiler is released.
The results show that the optimization of the cooling system of heat supply steam can be realized and the coal saving interest of heat supply unit can be increased by about 1% with this system.
The equipment adopts unique oil-water mixture deepfry technology, gas and steam can be used at the same time, steam to preheating, reduce production cost, suit needs low temperature Fried foods.
Can you run a 140,000 kilogram train on just the steam generated by solar power?
In theory, says Valentijn, this can create a high enough temperature to generate superheated steam.
When we are through, I will shut off steam and put on brakes as hard as I can.
At present, we can make efficient use of only naturally occurring hot water or steam deposits.
Energy to drive a steam locomotive can be stored in other materials besides water.
Steam files that contain plain text or rich text can be indexed and searched.
GlassPoint, a small Californian company, thinks it can make steam for oil recovery more cleanly and cheaply by using sunshine to do the heating.
加州的一家小公司- - -玻璃点太阳能公司认为,通过使用阳光来加热,它能为采油生产更清洁和更便宜的蒸汽。
These underground reservoirs of steam and hot water can be tapped to generate electricity or to heat and cool buildings directly.
For example, a steam engine can use coal, newspaper or wood for the fuel, while an internal combustion engine needs pure, high-quality liquid or gaseous fuel.
When the magnesium is mixed with water, it produces heat, boiling the water to produce steam, which can then drive a turbine and do useful work.
The main advantage of a steam engine is that you can use anything that burns as the fuel.
The main advantage of a steam engine is that you can use anything that burns as the fuel.