Beautiful Steampunk-inspired graphics and interface.
Like Goth, steampunk draws on elements of Victorian dress.
Absolutely amazing steampunk usb drives have interesting competitor.
The focus is to add enough elements to your drawings, to make your steampunk machines more believable.
Star Wars has leaked into nearly every subculture since its premiere in 1977, and steampunk is no exception.
On the other hand, charging up your electronic stuff with your own blood sweat and tears is totally steampunk.
This post will show quite complicated but stunning sculptures in steampunk style created by French artist Pierre Matter.
On one picture mermaid is a gentle underwater creature on other she's a steampunk monster... Take a look by yourself!
The following is an introduction to the art of Steampunk, with everything from altered guitars to a Steampunked iPod.
On one picture mermaid is a gentle underwater creature, on other she's a steampunk monster... Take a look by yourself!
Much like hoverpacks and flying cars, the idea never came to fruition, only to live on in steampunk style novels and shows.
Described by its creator as a "calibrated contraption steampunk robot sculpture, " Timer is poised to "dance or perform magic.
In 2006 birds from this collection became the basis of new collection "Songbirds" containing small and big fun steampunk birds.
When I wanted a suggestion for artists who create miniature scenes, or an explanation for “steampunk,” I got answers right away.
When I wanted a suggestion for artists who create miniature scenes, or an explanation for “steampunk, ” I got answers right away.
When you add the steampunk aesthetic, these landscapes can transcend what is truly possible and become utopian (or extremely industrial).
One of the most amazing feats of Steampunk art and engineering is the Steampunk Tree House, constructed for the Burning Man Arts Festival.
Steampunk ideas have also increasingly been retroactively applied to existing cult classics. Perhaps the most notable of these is Star Wars.
The steampunk emphasis on machines and technology allow artists to incorporate incredibly interesting elements into what would otherwise be a mundane cityscape.
Other artists have created tangible works such as a Star Wars Steampunk light saber made from old radio parts and evening a functioning R2D2 Steampunk robot.
The coppery costume depicted above, brought to you by the dreamers at Steampunk Costume Resources, looks perfectly at home amidst the rusty sands of the Red Planet.
His Analytical Engine was never built, but it remained an inspiration to more than a century of computing pioneers - not to mention steampunk science fiction authors.
In Steampunk literature, the living computers and flying cars of science fiction are typically replaced by hulking steam-powered machines and floating dirigibles.
Jeff VanderMeer is best known, in the world of fantasy and science fiction, for his excellent anthologies of obscure subgenres, ranging from pirate fantasy to steampunk.
From 3d, light and reverse graffiti to steampunk art, fashion and design here are some ways in which non-standard artists create works that challenge conventional thinking.
When you have large collection of anything from books to steampunk LEGOS, it's important to keep an inventory so you know what you've got, what you still need, and who borrowed something.
When you have large collection of anything from books to steampunk LEGOS, it's important to keep an inventory so you know what you've got, what you still need, and who borrowed something.