Another factor was the rise of processed foods and, with the invention of the steel roller mill in the late 19th century, the possibility of mass-marketing those foods.
Mr Piramal’s office is in an old mill building whose steel pillars are stamped with “Blackburn”, the English town where they were forged long ago.
They all own a piece of the building - just as they own the town's steel mill, textile factory, greenhouse complex, ocean shipping company and other ventures.
Even as steel mills around the world fall silent, mining's rumour mill is cranking up again.
So Mr Mittal's father helped him start a steel mill from scratch in Indonesia in 1975.
Coached by his father Joe, a steel-mill worker, Michael and older brothers Jermaine, Marlon, Jackie and Tito formed a singing group.
I saw that the problems people faced weren't simply local in nature— that the decision to close a steel mill was made by distant executives;
Gindalbie and Ansteel have an off-take agreement for Karara iron that has Ansteel taking 100% of the production of the mines to Ansteel's new 6.5 million tons per year Bayuquan steel mill.
This strategy proved to be economic as the cost of going directly to the steel mill proved to be less than using lower quality material from a local steel supplier.
Those who have seen a steel mill will know something of variety processes, from the blast-furnace onwards !
Only after a steel mill had been built did it become apparent that German mills could not run on Japanese coke.
In a small town residents are turning against each other after the tragic closing of a steel mill.
Coking plant inside the steel mill was one of the most important sources in the area.
She has no evidence to connect their deaths to the steel mill, but says she has few doubts herself.
On the outskirts they passed a steel mill.
At the same time my company in North China are building high-strength prestressed steel mill biggest distributor thread.
Trimming of the edges of sheet strip to make them parallel. This done at either the stainless steel mill or at the stainless steel processor.
This paper introduces the general situation of the collapse of a large light steel mill building during construction.
With a steel mill as example, the reason of damage of rolling mill bearing and the measures being adopted are stated.
The product structure gradually perfect: ultra-thin cutting piece, stainless steel mill slice, stone grinding slice, big slice, Angle abrasive disc quality obtained the customer common affirmation.
Big Stev sent invitations to everyone in the steel mill towns up and down the valley.
A manager at a Hebei steel mill said he knew Rio Tinto is moving to a monthly pricing, but has not yet received any documents from the company offering the shorter contracts.
Mg-Al spinel ladle brick in Xining Special Steel for long-term use, such as steel, sliding gate series in the Benxi steel mill and other good results.
The steel mill, owned by the privately held Celsa Group of Spain, just cannot compete with Chinese rivals, which offered products at 20 percent below prevailing rates in Britain.
The water supply system in the special steel mill in Shandong Laiwu Steel o. Ltd. is characterized by its long-distance and high-lift transmission.
Maintenance practices for the commutator of the DC machine in the steel mill are introduced in this paper.
Maintenance practices for the commutator of the DC machine in the steel mill are introduced in this paper.