Only about one woman in a thousand carries her bag on the left, and I tended to steer clear of them.
On the other hand, if these decisions are left to the teams and business units directly influenced by the reuse concern, a raft of issues may steer the decision making process in a wrong direction.
The roper then flips the rope over the right side of the steer, while turning his galloping horse to the left.
Heisenberg's explanation left Popper unsatisfied until Albert Einstein intervened to steer Popper away from physics and back to his strong suit, scientific logic.
Vending machines rarely offer any nutritional options, and the food that's left in office kitchens is usually doughnuts, desserts or candy. Steer clear!
Vending machines rarely offer any nutritional options, and the food that's left in office kitchens is usually doughnuts, desserts or candy. Steer clear!