The guy had set up his pedal-operated sharpening stone in one of the gloomy step-down doorways in the South End.
For this article, we have chosen a step-down approach in which an object is placed below and to the right of the previous object.
Judge Ito said that if his wife was called as a witness, he would step down as trial judge.
Small groups of leftists have burned his photo, and fiery criticism has also come from the right with one leading conservative radio host calling for him to step down.
It should be noted that some processors will step down clock speeds if there is no activity on the CPU.
Top banking executives tend to retain most of their shareholdings until they step down.
He was asked by reporters about calls by opponents that he step down because his personal and legal problems were damaging Italy.
The first step down that path is probably figuring out just who we are. And that requires an accurate count of all colors and the various shades in between.
His resignation coincided with the downfall of Yukio Hatoyama, the fourth prime minister to step down in four years.
Mr Napolitano may call on Mr Berlusconi to step down, but he cannot force him to do so.
Asked to run for public office, Cronkite reportedly said he could not step down from his anchor post.
But Assad shows no sign of heeding their calls for him to step down.
It is unclear whether that means the West wants Mr Kibaki to step down.
She could use her decision to step down as evidence that she would not seek higher office while governor and so do harm to her home state.
Papandreou was reported to have later indicated he could step down even if he won today's knife-edge vote of confidence in parliament.
He wrote only that he had always said he would step down as CEO if he felt he could no longer do the job to his high standards.
That's certainly better than nothing, but it's still a step down from the nearly 4% median increase seen in the pre-recession days of 2007.
To stop the division and the long-existing feud between senior Somali politicians, I decided to step down from my position.
In theory, this is the moment when Putin should finally step down after a quarter of century at the apex of Russian power.
Gregg broke ranks with some of his fellow Republicans and said he did not think Geithner should step down from his Cabinet post.
After regional leaders failed to persuade Mr Mugabe to step down, Zambia called an emergency meeting of the Southern African Development Community, which it chairs.
But it's a big first step down a road that could produce unhackable communications schemes and superfast, energy efficient quantum computers.
That Mr Nozoe was quietly asked to step down without any proof of wrongdoing is also typical.
David Wu of Oregon said he would step down following the resolution of the debt limit crisis in Washington.
Washington has begun privately telling American Allies that Mr. Saleh, who had said that he would step down at year's end, should leave now.
UBS made more changes to senior management following its recent rogue-trading scandal, announcing that both heads of its global-equities division would step down.
UBS made more changes to senior management following its recent rogue-trading scandal, announcing that both heads of its global-equities division would step down.