What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identity than to step out of uniform?
Our country needs more scientists who are willing to step out in the public arena and offer their opinions on important matters.
As long as we step out bravely, we'll find it's not so difficult.
They are always ready for a mysterious adventure every time they step out their door.
You can step into, step over, or step out of various elements in a component instance.
But at 14:20:26, the WIP administrator demoted the step out of production, and therefore the schedule became inactive.
“I always get that panic when I step out of the car that everyone is going to hate it, ” Devil Wears Prada actress Emily Blunt said.
There's no door to the cockpit, and the pilot and two copilots sometimes step out to check with the meteorologists.
It also changed the way people of all nations thought about themselves and the planet they share. It showed that it really was possible for man to step out of this world into another.
Staring with terror into the seemingly bottomless and beckoning abyss, the young man could not force himself to step out onto the log, no less shoot at a target.
Some drivers say that when their cars are in electric mode people are more likely to step out in front of them.
Break the rules and step out of your comfort zone and see what comes of it.
Let us move on and step out boldly, though it be into the night, and we can scarcely see the way.
If the first step out of bed results in heel pain, then there is a good chance that you may suffer from a condition called "plantar fasciitis."
Take a step out of bitterness into forgiveness today. Forgive the unforgivable. You can do it!
I step out into the untelevised world, easing the screen door closed behind me, careful curator of this masterpiece that has fallen in my lap, and walk the length of the driveway.
我跨出了门,走进了那个没有电视的世界,放下了身后已经被合上的纱门。 制造这幅棋盘杰作的小心主管已经落在我的膝盖上,我步上了一段车道。
It is very thrilling and very delightful to step out onto that [New] Amsterdam Theater, where my career in musical comedy theatre started.
Well, this is something new. Here in the tech world, we hear about delay after delay — but very rarely does a company step out and say: “Hey!
Then you must adopt counterintuitive practices that give you the courage to step out of your comfort zone.
Then I focused on the fact that charging more money requires a higher degree of sales and marketing skill, so some of the managers needed to step up their game — or step out.
When company information is stored on non-secure and personally owned devices, employees put their company at risk every time they step out the door.
Heroes are not extraordinary people. They're ordinary people who do an extraordinary thing, step out of themselves, put their best self forward in service to humanity.
It would be based only on a tiny hope, because it would take a miracle for the son to step out of the father's shadow.
If you do get stuck, step out of the car, which will likely stall when the water reaches the vehicle's electronic controls.
Right after I step out of my house, I can see many elderly people jogging around.
They wouldn’t step out the front door if they could help it–or, should we say, various delivery services have spoiled them for choice.
A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.
A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.