In the second step, the T4 engine compiles the transformation class into an assembly and executes the code, generating an output text file.
As you can see, the first step is to create a new work directory and then decompress the sample code file into this new directory.
The first step in attacking poor design for existing code is to mold it into something you can work with.
One possible next development step might involve refactoring the FadingTooltip code to move the basic machinery of the finite state machine into a separate object.
You can copy and paste this code into an agent and step through it with the LotusScript debugger to see it in action.
Debugging distributed scenarios gets easier by being able to step into service code from a client, as well as being able to hit service breakpoints from a client.
现在调试分布式系统变得更加简单,因为VS 2008可以从客户端跟踪进入服务端的代码,也可以从客户端击中服务端的断点。
Computers that process qubits, which weirdly manage to be both 0 and 1 at the same time, are far faster at solving some problems-such as factoring large Numbers into primes, a step in code-breaking.
The next step is to take the results of the scan (whether from OCR or QR code) and put it into the XML format ready for import into the accounting application.
As a secondary step, the O-code was compiled into the native language of the target machine.
接下来的第二个步骤是将o -code编译成目标机器的原始语言。
You should take one more step before digging into your code (although this definitely brings things closer to implementation) : Validate your Web page (or pages).
We could certainly implement this much more efficiently by just writing this one line of code, but, again, the key here is to take this step toward decomposing our code into chunks of code.
One approach you could take is to have some kind of delegate mechanism, which would allow the caller to break into the flow of code and to override the default logic within the step.
Because providers are created in process, you can create some consumer code using the OLE DB consumer templates and step into the provider normally.
When you step into the code for a WCF service from client code, you may receive an error related to missing symbols.
从客户端代码进入并单步执行 WCF服务的代码时,您可能会收到一条与缺少符号有关的错误消息。
With RPC debugging enabled, when you step into the server call from the client, the debugger attaches to the server and lets you debug its code.
With RPC debugging enabled, when you step into the server call from the client, the debugger attaches to the server and lets you debug its code.