I am an Arsenal player and as soon as I step out on to the pitch, that is the only club I will be thinking about.
You can get support from groups that you belong to if you're willing to step out on a limb and voice your opinions.
Our country needs more scientists who are willing to step out in the public arena and offer their opinions on important matters.
Toad got down on the step, and as the train slowed down to almost a walking pace, he heard the driver call out, "Now, jump!"
Some people were delighted at what they saw as a significant, if small, first step in cracking down on those who they fear crowd skilled American workers out of the workplace.
Spend as much time as you need on this step, because once you run out of things to write, get started picking the parts of the “barf” you want to use for your book.
Fathers need to step back for a moment, get out of the chaotic stream of daily life, and reflect a bit on fatherhood.
A World Bank spokesman said the step had been taken out of “an abundance of caution” until the severity and nature of the cyberattack on the I.M.F. is understood.
The first step to get the most out of working in a digital world is to get a handle on your digital workflow.
The Mountain View-based company took the unusual step of announcing its latest product on the Labor day holiday after it prematurely sent out a comic book drawn up to herald the new browser's arrival.
Taking some time to reflect on how things worked out after it's all over is a very important step.
You take care not to step on the heels of the woman in front of you on the way out of the subway, and you might take passing note of her most excellent handbag.
The best part is they don't even have to step out of their house to get all the tips: they seek out every bit of information on the Internet.
If you're not sure how your site performs or renders on a mobile device, your first step is find out.
During the day, he should have been sleeping, but more often he was out in bars or with other women or smoking on our front step, ashes fluttering in the air like confetti.
When company information is stored on non-secure and personally owned devices, employees put their company at risk every time they step out the door.
According to the computer model, this design could increase wind farm efficiency a hundredfold. The next step for the researchers is to do a field test, trying out these fish dynamics on dry land.
Then I focused on the fact that charging more money requires a higher degree of sales and marketing skill, so some of the managers needed to step up their game — or step out.
Stepping on a chairthat wobbled under him, he would knot a noose round his scrawny neck, test it, yank it, gyrate his neck like a pigeon and step out into the void.
So on your list of steps to set out arguments logic book style what's the third step?
The next step will be to see if scientists can find drugs that will correct the irregularities in the cells before trying the drugs out on humans suffering from it.
From dynamic SQL snapshot data as the initial step based on the counters in Listing 6, you should be able to list out the top SQL statements in terms of total cost, frequency, and cost per invocation.
International results are very important to me and it's vital that Russia go to big tournaments - we missed out on the World Cup but have made a big step now.
This step can be carried out in any of several ways, depending on the actual vulnerability.
Note: This step may be difficult to carry out on a single system because of memory constraints.
Even as telecom carriers in North America work on rolling out their 3g networks nationwide, Europe seems to be ready to take the next step.
New way: put away all those clothes that are hanging on your exercise machine, get your dumbbells out of the garage, lift all that junk off your step and weight bench and get them ready for some work.
Without this support many young people will be forced to drop out, or rely on their families to step in.
It would be based only on a tiny hope, because it would take a miracle for the son to step out of the father's shadow.
It would be based only on a tiny hope, because it would take a miracle for the son to step out of the father's shadow.