Many jet ski riders are big show-offs who stick around populated areas so everyone can see their turns and manoeuvres.
Those who stick around are tired of living in a place where they can't even get to the market without swimming through a sea of picture-snapping tourists.
Those who stick around are tired of living in a place where they can't even get to the market without swimming through a sea of picture snapping tourists.
Where disease is rife, this seemed to imply, giving birth to healthy offspring trumps having a man stick around long enough to help care for it.
I also had a boyfriend who begged me to stick around and watch while he cleaned his closet.
Now that Twitter has received Oprah's Midas touch, the real question will be to see how many of these new users will stick around.
But many researchers think it is possible that even heavier elements may occupy an “island of stability” in which superheavy atoms stick around for a while.
The kids are having a great time. They seem cheerful. After class, some of them stick around to talk.
When he retired from his operations manager position in 2006, he decided to stick around rather than move back to his hometown of St. Paul, Minn.
All of these details are in the syllabus and I'll stick around and answer questions.
What Wegner and his colleagues have shown is that trying to suppress thoughts is ironically a powerful method of having the thoughts stick around.
The more you let your users get involved in your site, the more they'll stick around.
The female brain is designed to be cautious, most likely because historically the woman who slept with the first guy she met might have a harder time raising children; he might not stick around.
The extra nuclei stick around for at least three months -- a long time for a mouse, which lives a couple of years on average, Gundersen says.
Uruguay took the longest, most difficult route to the World Cup, the last to qualify in South American and only after winning a playoff.No wonder they wanted to stick around so long.
Uruguay took the longest, most difficult route to the World Cup, the last to qualify in South American and only after winning a playoff. No wonder they wanted to stick around so long.
The ultimate prize for most Web publishers is loyal readers who go directly to their site, without passing through a search engine. They are more likely to visit on a regular basis and stick around.
Others choose to stick around and go to work for American companies, while some continue their education elsewhere.
You continue to stick around,... and then your life has this feeling of —... at least we can imagine this happening — being sort of anticlimactic.
Afterwards some of us go canoeing out to the beavers' dam up the creek while the big guys stick around the camp to fish.
Sometimes useless features stick around in a species simply because they're not doing much harm.
Which occupations offer decent salaries, quality of life-and are likely to stick around for the next decade?
If you're constantly talking about how you used to do things at your last job or when the old boss was in charge, people will wonder why you stick around.
Buildings mysteriously come and go in this city — it's just how it is — but the little bits of historic Shanghai that manage to stick around which are extraordinary to stumble upon.
Pimples usually start around the beginning of puberty and can stick around during adolescence (the teen years).
Fans of Lost, the TV series he co-created, had to stick around six years for its mysteries to be revealed.
Haimowitz, who just renewed his driver's license, said he plans to stick around awhile.
In today's wide, fuzzy Kuiper belt, the particles don't meet very often, so they stick around long enough to fall into resonances with Neptune.
In today's wide, fuzzy Kuiper belt, the particles don't meet very often, so they stick around long enough to fall into resonances with Neptune.