To prepare the meal after the blessing, mothers, fathers to stick couplets, stick down.
Before he knows it, he has whittled his stick down to a toothpick, which snaps in his hands.
Press a Popsicle stick into one end of the line and roll the stick down the line so that the hardened syrup wraps around it.
Dogs, for example, will wag their tails, get down their front legs, and stick their behinds in the air to indicate "what follows is just for play".
He sink down to the bottom, he looked up, he started laughing, he played street hocky, which is get him a stick and push his chair and he holds the stick fine.
Write down 10 things you love about your partner on a sheet of paper and stick it somewhere they will see it first thing in the morning, such as inside their wardrobe or on the bathroom mirror.
Their Pope can just stick his head out anytime he wants and watch all of us down here?
Whatever bedtime you choose, be sure to stick to this schedule and begin winding down with bedtime activities about an hour before.
The way to suppress change is to write down everything at the beginning, get somebody to sign off on it, then stick to the plan.
They've seen et, they've heard about the sweets and nothing, not even, in my experience, a man chasing them down the road with a stick, will put them off the idea.
"You could stick your tongue down her throat instead of the kiss goodbye," she offered casually as she continued to dice.
I think it was the year I saw two costumed schoolchildren being chased down the road by a grown man armed with a stick.
Since diamonds stick to grease, they are left behind by the rocks and mud which flow down the tables.
An alternate method for equivalent synthetic input is used for this article: holding down the center control stick of the navigation compass.
By the time the average American puts down his fork for the day, he has consumed the equivalent of a full stick of butter in fat and cholesterol.
These can be found at most major stores and retailers, and ensure that the feathers in a down-filled coat do not stick to the detergent, as is sometimes the case with regular detergents.
If you cannot stick to your diet, but sneak down to the kitchen in the middle of the night for a biscuit, you're a waste of space.
I was a lanky stick with shoulder length, fiery red hair that I wore parted down the middle, and to top it off I also wore glasses.
So the old Fox hid behind the wood-pile, and as soon as she bent down to get a stick, into the house he slipped, and scurried behind the door.
老狐狸藏在了木头堆后面。 等小红母鸡一弯腰拾树枝的时候,他从门缝里溜了进去,很快躲在了门后。
She grabbed a three-foot-long walking stick propped against the cabin door and started running back down the switchback road.
If you're having a hard time vomiting, stick your index finger down your throat, which will trigger a puking episode.
Climate controls follow down, just ahead of the short throw stick shift with cue ball shift knob.
It's a good idea to stick with the Programmatic transaction model when using this transaction strategy so you don't run into issues down the road.
Even the best traders are wrong sometimes. Don't get down on yourself. Be disciplined and stick to your long-term trading plan.
Each time it cools down, you offer more opportunities for the harmful bacteria to multiply, it harder to kill them all off the next time you stick them in the oven or microwave.
Unkind words are often used to cut a strong person down to make the insecure one feel better. Don't let them stick.
Staff in one section will cut down to six-hour days, while their colleagues in a different section stick to the ordinary forty-hour week.
Plan sensibly: Write down how much you expect to spend for food and hotels. Stick to your plan or you may not have enough money to cover everything.
High-scalers were the men who climbed down ropes to jackhammer the sheer canyon walls so the concrete would stick.
High-scalers were the men who climbed down ropes to jackhammer the sheer canyon walls so the concrete would stick.