If the company's value does not rise above what Elevation paid in 2006, Forbes could buy back the stake and stick Elevation with a loss.
I sold every stick of furniture, packed a single suitcase, put everything into storage and requested to stay in the cities I was being sent to for projects instead of flying back every week.
And so you sigh, stick the shampoo back under the sink and head off in search of your next wonder product.
You see, dear, I know that the Stick-in-the-mud people are doing us a good turn and themselves a bad one by going back to secret trials and executions as soon.
Secondly, the fake tickets on the "China Railway" logo and watermark on the back are more vague, and the hand, slightly face, the ink may stick in the hand.
I saw the cross come in and managed to get back on the line, stick my foot out and I managed to clear it.
Complete coupon on back of tray liner, stick Game Piece on the coupon and deposit the coupon in the official entry box in the Restaurant.
That was the only group photo we ever took, in the reed flats by the Ertix, and on the back were vows in our own handwriting to stick together through thick and thin.
A simple way is to stick a clean finger in your mouth and scrape saliva from the back of your tongue. Put it on the back of your hand, wait a minute, then smell your hand.
On the flip side, pulling your shoulders too far back causes your abdomen to stick out too far in front.
Count back 7-8 hours from when you need to get up in the morning – then stick to that bedtime.
Today in France, April Fools' Day is called 1e Poisson d'Avril-"the April fish"-and a classic prank is to stick a paper fish to an ur}suspecting passerby's back.
"Dear daughter, " he said, "I'm leaving, but you must promise not to stick your head out of the door or let anyone in until I get back.
In addition, when pasting New Year picture, take off wax paper on a self-adhesive paper on the back of the New Year picture to easily stick the picture firmly.
ABSTRACT: the best casual option to store wines that have been opened is to stick the cork back in the bottle and stash it in the refrigerator.
One day on the way back home they saw an old woman walking in front of them. She was carrying a basket filled with oranges in her right hand, and a stick, in her left hand.
Once I get to a certain point in the pull and I've got the jet where I want it, I command full back on the stick and get high AOA.
After that, people found out "Year"s weakness, every family stay in house, stick red couplet, touch off the firecracker when "Year" come out, and it really don't come back again.
After that, people found out "Year"s weakness, every family stay in house, stick red couplet, touch off the firecracker when "Year" come out, and it really don't come back again.