The towers will stick out of the water and be lit, to warn shipping, and also be designed to be lifted out of the water for maintenance and to clean seaweed from the blades.
Your spelling mistakes stick out.
Well, Homer gives us several names for them, but three stick out for me.
It has also emerged that his middle name is Hussein, and that his ears stick out.
Small noses - compared to the rest of the world whites have long noses that stick out.
They both stick out about an inch (2.5 cm) from the smoothly tiled surface of the ship's belly.
Yes, Wayne Rooney's ears stick out from his perfectly round face making him look like Shrek.
What if we just acknowledge that we have a screwed-up relationship, and we stick out anyway?
What is your individual trait that makes you stick out like a sore thumb in these situations?
With the motorized ice cream cone, just stick out your tongue, and let the ice cream lick you!
Even within a room filled with extremely beautiful women, certain models stick out from the rest.
A drowning man, you will be as thick as a bamboo stick out for him, he said, that is the first avenue.
On the other hand, if you're told dress is casual, you'll stick out if you show up wearing a double-breasted suit.
Its legs are modified for bouncing and its eyes stick out from the sides of its head, so it can look while it leaps.
If you have a fall scenery photo or painting, tape leaves to the back of the frame and let them stick out as a border.
Fins on its sides stick out like wings, which enables it to glide for some distance before dropping into the sea again.
One way to truly stick out, according to an executive we polled: Send a handwritten thank-you note as opposed to email.
After only one or two trials, many bees learned to stick out their tonguelike proboscis in anticipation of a sugary droplet.
Or maybe, Shanghai and Austin stick out simply because Paris - not to mention Bangkok - is located neither in China nor the U.S..
The white of the villa allows it to stick out as a man-made object on the landscape during the changing colours of the season.
He has a smell and the teeth that have been smashed through his snout are sharp and stick out every which way and sometimes cut my face.
If it does charge at you, try to make yourself look as large as possible: Stick out your chest, raise your arms, and spread your legs.
Every morning the old woman would go out to the little cage, and say: "Hansel, stick out your finger, that I may feel if you are fat enough for eating.
Every morning the old woman would go out to the little cage, and say: "Hansel, stick out your finger, that I may feel if you are fat enough for eating."
"Nail houses" are the last homes left standing in areas slated for clearance, so called because they stick out when all around them have been demolished.
While Rio's missteps often stick out in your memory, don't forget all The Times you talked to smiling volunteers who wanted to help you the best they could.
While Rio's missteps often stick out in your memory, don't forget all The Times you talked to smiling volunteers who wanted to help you the best they could.