Doesn't that make the learning stick with you for longer than when you had to memorize things in school?
In the next TAB called authors and Users you can set up more authors. Let's stick with you for right now.
If it makes a mundane chore a bit more interesting, or helps you stick with your hobbies, then what's wrong with that?
You're curious about that job opening, but you can think of a hundred reasons why you should stick with your current gig.
The question now is: should you use it? Or should you stick with your favorite check-in application, like Foursquare or Gowalla?
Ann loves to stick with you, let you tell him he does not know, painting pictures, playing basketball and playing TV games with you.
Always remember that detail is the key to success. Make your hair, wear your necklace and earrings, and bring your hat and walking stick with you to create the unique look of yourselves!
Tugging the woman's arm, she pulled her to her side saying: "You just stick with me, dear."
Dieting and exercising can bring your weight under control but you must stick to your plan with perseverance.
If you love to swim or dance, you may find it easier to stick with an exercise program that is built around these activities.
Grandpa laughed, "Every dent and scratch can tell a story, and although you stick with it, someday you'll have your own."
You stick to your own views, but are also good with people.
"John, " I ask. "How do you stick together with someone through 38 years -- not to mention the sickness?
Stick with app stores and other sites you know and trust.
What do you do? Stick with the world you know, and continue calling and emailing releases to the traditional press (trying not to notice that their ranks are shrinking and influence waning)?
Most of us have to fit in our workouts whenever we can—and if your plan doesn’t mesh with your busy schedule, you probably won’t stick with it.
Get plenty of rest each night - set a minimum number of hours that you need and stick with it.
“John,” I ask.“How do you stick together with someone through 38 years – not to mention the sickness?
“John, ” I ask. “How do you stick together with someone through 38 years – not to mention the sickness?
Once you've done that once or twice and you decide to stick with it, you are sticking with it not because you are chasing adrenaline, it's because you believe what you are doing is important.
If you stick with forest squirrels or those that have been subsisting on your garden largesse, you know exactly what that beastie has been snacking on.
If you stick with the XSL prefix for your stylesheets, you can then discuss your deployment plans and consult XSLT books without the mental overhead of translating prefixes.
If you chose to route with affinity you should see the requests stick to the first application instance accessed via the ODR.
No one wants to live like that, which means you can't stick with it long-term.
The plus side: You're likely to save a lot of money and enjoy healthier drinks if you stick with doing it yourself.
Now that you've put the time, energy and resources into launching a great cause campaign, make sure you stick with it.
If you just stick with it and don't judge your man too harshly. Or call the cops.
But in all honesty, if you get started and stick with it you should be seeing a nice income after 3-6 months.
But in all honesty, if you get started and stick with it you should be seeing a nice income after 3-6 months.