The employed processing units include a high definition H. 264 compression engine, a JPEG engine for still image compression.
In order to face the new still image compression standard JPEG2000, the research work in the thesis is basically based on DWT.
The still image compression mentioned in the article is a strategy of VQIC that is based on analyzing the composition of a picture.
By still image compression coding technique, the color digital watermark is encoded into a series of binary ID Numbers for watermarking.
The new still image compression standard, JPEG2000, provides higher compression rates for the same visual quality for gray scale and color images than JPEG.
In the article, Study the JPEG2000 still image compression technology, and elaborated on the realizing process of DSP-based JPEG2000 compression module of the system.
The experiment results show that the new still image compression scheme provides higher perceptual quality and less encoding time than EZW, especially at low bit rates.
The experiment results show that the new still image compression scheme provides higher perceptual quality and higher PSNRs than SPIHT etc., especially at low bit rates.
A new still image compression standard: JPEG2000 developed by ISO has higher compression performance as well as some new features which is beneficial to digital image processing.
So the ISO referred the new still image compression standard: JPEG2000. This paper first introduced the theory of still picture standard JPEG2000 and discussed the key techniques .
Because of these features, JPEG2000 standard applies to many fields such as image compression and network transmission and gradually become major standard of still image compression.
JPEG2000 is the next generation still image compression standard, which is one of the best algorithms of compression performance. In many areas there is a very important application prospects.
At present, binary image compression is still in the stage of lossless encoding with low compression ratios.
Comparison with other compression standard for still image shows that the VTC has better rate distortion performance and many attractive useful characteristic.
This paper introduces the compression principle of a new compression standard JPEG2000 for still images, and designs a basic realizing framework of the image compression system.
JPEG2000 is the new still image coding standard, which has better compression rate and higher flexibility.
As a kind of three-dimensional data sets, it is different from the 2d still image, and is also different from video series, so the general image compression method is not efficient for them.
It still need further development. The remain problems are web PACS with best performance, image indexing, and image compression and decompression on web.
To some extent, the intra-frame mode can be seen as a still-image compression standard.
To some extent, the intra-frame mode can be seen as a still-image compression standard.