I have been a still photographer all my life and I can tell you that it is all about light.
If only one of his pictures existed (all the rest had been destroyed) you would still sense he was a great photographer, at least I get that feeling.
But the exposure is spot on, enhancing the natural glow of the evening, so the photographer should still feel very pleased with this image.
Let us show you mind blowing collection of collages created by Swedish fashion, beauty and still life photographer Klara g.
If he wanted to become a professional photographer, he still had a long way to go.
The photographer asked the guests to keep still for a moment.
Though the photographer could speak no word of their language, the Afghan sitters understood what was desired, and had enough poise to remain still for three seconds and prevent blurring the film.
We have more photographer than any other eras before. Many professional always feel panic about the future of still photography.
We have more photographer than any other eras before. Many professional always feel panic about the future of still photography.