I know I have, but I also know God still expects me to love Him with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love my neighbor as myself.
And maybe I am insane, I don't know, but I still believe that. I believe it with all my heart.
I had now no heart, so that I lost all my love for the Munchkin girl, and did not care whether I married her or not. I suppose she is still living with the old woman, waiting for me to come after her.
I can only think of all the nice things you did for me that still fill my heart with gratefulness.
No matter how hard the road ahead is to go, I still have courage to act as myself well, and still chase the ardent aspiration with all my heart!
No matter how hard the road ahead is to go, I still have courage to act as myself well, and still chase the ardent aspiration with all my heart!