The Dow Jones U.S. Banks Total Stock Market Index has gained 152% since March 9, while the Dow industrials are up 51%.
For instance, the risk of refinancing at a high price began to emerge when the stock market index surged past 5000 points.
The Shanghai Stock Market Index is up 20 per cent just this month, 30 per cent for the year and almost 100 per cent over 12 months.
The Dow Jones U.S. Home Construction Total Stock Market Index has more than doubled from its November bottom and is near pre-Lehman levels.
The extent of investors' concern about the news from the emirate pushed Britain's leading stock market index down 3.2%, the biggest daily fall in nearly nine months.
The Shanghai Composite, China's benchmark stock market index, dropped 2.9 per cent on Thursday after release of the data increased fears of impending monetary tightening.
On the condition that the stock market index has dropped for a long time, convertible bonds become the new investment instrument by the institution because of the low risk.
There is no numerically specific definition of a crash but the term commonly applies to steep double-digit percentage losses in a stock market index over a period of several days.
That's because the managers of active stock funds have raised their cash levels to an average of nearly 6% of assets, while index funds always keep all their assets in the market.
The index, which includes 100 of the largest nonfinancial securities listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market, gained 52.16 points, or 2.9 percent, to 1, 846.89.
The stocks on last year's list under-performed the market, rising 14 percent over the past 12 months, compared with 19 percent for the Russell 2000 stock index.
去年的上榜公司一年来的表现低于市场平均水平——上榜公司的股价在过去12个月里上升了百分之十二,但是Russell 2000指数在同期却(一种小企业指数)上涨了百分之十九。
PetroChina's stunning debut on the Shanghai stock Exchange again demonstrated the force of China's bull market, which has more than doubled its benchmark stock index so far this year.
The MSCI Asia Pacific Index jumped 1.2 percent as Japanese exports gained more than forecast and Singapore Exchange Ltd. agreed to buy ASX Ltd., Australia’s stock market operator.
The introduction of stock index futures in Shanghai this year, giving traders the opportunity to profit on market falls, also is helping to cap Shanghai's tendency to bubble.
Despite the big run-up in the Shanghai stock market, he points out, the index is still at half the level reached in the last peak, in late 2007.
Russia "s stock market is off just 5% this year, while Brazil" s benchmark index has climbed 1.6%.
That puts the consumer sentiment index at a level last seen in 2009, when Citi (c) was assumed to be bankrupt and the stock market fetched half its current price.
That puts the consumer sentiment index at a level last seen in 2009, when Citi (c) was assumed to be bankrupt and the stock market fetched half its current price.