As the Western countries have relaxed controls on financial markets, exchange rates, interest rates and stock price volatility.
Are there any changes to the Company's fundamentals or new news items that may be responsible for the recent stock price volatility?
In order to control market volatility and provide time for rational reassessment during times of panic trading, price limits regulations exist in many stock markets in the world.
The volatility of stock price is a decisive factor in derivatives pricing.
The volatility of stock price is a decisive factor in derivatives pricing.
Implied Volatility is calculated from the options and their influence factors such as stock price, strike, time value, interest rate and bonus.
News has also been unable to have an impact on the stock, price volatility is not the random walk model.
One is the overall risk of the stock market, also known as systemic risk that all or the majority of stock price with the risk of volatility.
The results show that higher PIN leads to (lower) (liquidity) and higher volatility and vice versa. At the same time these concludes disclose the behavior of the price (further) in China stock market.
Normal volatility of stock price is the premise for the investor to obtain investment income, and is very important to the mature of stock market.
On the contrary, unreasonable volatility of stock price will not do any good to stock market.
Irregular volatility in stock price caused by information asymmetry is able to damage the market efficiency.
Sky mobi is hosting today's call in response to the recent large volatility in our stock price.
Although the volatility of stock price is high, immature stock market is the possible reason for the positive correlation between short-term volatility and consumption.
The trader sets a floor and ceiling for a particular stock price based on the assumption of low volatility and no breakouts.
It floated only a small portion of its stock, making it more vulnerable to price volatility, but questions linger about Groupon's competitiveness in the crowded market for discounting online.
According to the stepwise regression to stock return rate and the correlated analysis, it is proved that the Eva index can well explain the volatility of stock price and evaluate...
The author analyzes the indexes of stock price and their monthly excessive return rate in Shanghai and Shenzhen Market. Relative high volatility exists in China's security market.
The author analyzes the indexes of stock price and their monthly excessive return rate in Shanghai and Shenzhen Market. Relative high volatility exists in China's security market.