You could not only purchase from us as a stockist but also could order from us after sold.
Imports both classic cars and parts as a specialist stockist of parts for classic Mustangs.
Onyango's boss, Rosemary Njeri, herself peddled clanking crates of soda shop-to-shop as a stockist 12 years ago.
Onyango的老板Rosemary Njeri,12年前是有库存的批发商,叮铃铃地一家商店接着一家商店叫卖一箱箱的苏打水。
If the buyer is a stockist, he will have to purchase and finance stocks on which he may not get his money back for a long time.
If the buyer is a stockist, he will have to purchase and finance stocks on which he may not get his money back for a long time.