Some drugs can irritate the lining of the stomach.
Recently physicians have determined that stomach ulcers are not caused by stress, alcohol, or rich foods, but a bacterium that dwells in the mucous lining of the stomach.
The cells at the top of the pits produce mucus, which protects the stomach lining against gastric acid.
The seaweed coats and protects the stomach lining but also floats on top of the stomach contents, acting as a "raft" to calm things down and stop reflux.
What you can't see with the naked eye is that the lining of the stomach (the mucosa) is interrupted by multiple tiny openings, each of which leads to a tiny hormone-producing tunnel.
Regions of the body that are most vulnerable to radiation damage include the cells lining the intestine and stomach, and the blood-cell producing cells in the bone marrow.
Once that was finished, the guards would kick and beat the poor sap's midsection until his stomach lining burst and and death ensued.
The biggest drawback of taking aspirin is that it can irritate the lining of the stomach.
Lining your stomach reduces the rate at which acetaldehyde is absorbed, meaning that symptoms of a nasty hangover are slowed to a crawl.
Your stomach produces a new lining every 3 days in order to avoid digesting itself in its own production of acid.
Prostaglandins have several effects on the body. Some cause pain and the expansion, or swelling, of damaged tissue. Others protect the lining of the stomach and small intestine.
The most serious side effect of aspirin is internal bleeding, caused when the drug damages the stomach lining.
It has to combine with another substance called 'intrinsic factor' which is produced by your stomach lining.
Today, I was informed by my doctor that my stomach lining is inflamed, causing me to vomit almost every time I eat.
Once it has reached the required temperature, rennet - taken from the stomach lining of calves - and a fermentation culture is added and the stirring stops.
It is most likely to be from a bleeding stomach ulcer or from irritation to the stomach lining.
Once it has reached the required temperature rennet -taken from the stomach lining of calves-and a fermentation culture is added and the stirring stops.
Soft drinks erode your stomach lining.
Fat remains in the proximal stomach for some time after a meal and also makes up a substantial amount of the cells lining the stomach, say the authors.
The stomach produces a new lining every 3 days to avoid digesting itself with its own acids: There's one dangerous liquid no airport security can confiscate from you: it's in your gut.
The stomach produces a new lining every 3 days to avoid digesting itself with its own acids: There's one dangerous liquid no airport security can confiscate from you: it's in your gut.