When Dutch explorers landed in 1722, they met a Stone Age culture.
Since the Stone Age, humans have been eliminating species and altering ecosystems with astounding speed.
New power machinery and artificial fertilizers have now totally transformed a way of life that started in the Stone Age.
The objects had to cover the whole world, from a cooking pot to a golden galleon, from a tool in the Stone Age to a credit card.
The material of human fossil, culture relic and zoolite in the Old Stone Age are very abundant.
We played in the Stone Age. We played in Roman times.
It may be that in Stone Age Europe, to be eaten by the tribe was an.
The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age all came and went, but gold is forever.
Yet in many parts of the world the stove has barely progressed beyond the Stone Age.
We’ve come a long way from the greedy and uncontrollable animals we were in the Stone Age.
We've come a long way from the greedy and uncontrollable animals we were in the Stone Age.
Here is a mammoth hunter hut from Siberia reconstructed at a Stone Age site in Perigord, France.
Yes, it's a little Stone Age, but we men consider it our manly obligation to bring home the bacon.
Among the many reasons I found while doing some research men began shaving in Stone Age times were.
An archaeologist, Wood has studied the history of British food from the Stone Age right up to the 1970s.
But guests at Sauvage can try 'Paleo' without feeling obligated to take on a strictly Stone age lifestyle.
the Owenses later wrote of living with only “a few bands of Stone Age Bushmen in an area larger than Ireland.”
Its purpose was to document the history of civilization including the Stone Age, Ancient Egypt and the Coptic Age.
Theirs was essentially a Stone Age civilisation, and yet one that developed the most advanced astronomy and mathematics.
Human behaviors are often explained as hard-wired evolutionary leftovers of life on the savannah or during the Stone Age.
Discovered in Skara Brae, Oakney, in 1850, are the remains of a Stone age village - the most complete in Northern Europe.
The “Old Stone age” hall displays the real mammoth tusks, found on the bank of the Yenisey in the end of the 19th century.
But some new thinking suggests thatthese adaptations might date back before the Stone Age, and some, perhaps, tomore recent times.
Indeed, recent research on the 5,300-year-old mummy has shown that the Stone Age man did not have blue eyes as previously thought.
Speaking Tuesday at a news conference at the Interfax news Agency in Moscow, Rogozin said NATO appeared frozen in a Cold War Stone Age.
Even more surprising, this novel and still mysterious hominid, if confirmed, would have lived near Stone Age Neandertals and Homo sapiens.
Only a little later than them, on the island Malta, another Stone Age people built a beautiful Hypogeum or underground tomb for their dead.
Tying back to another statement from his "stone age" blog, Martin posits himself the question of "Should TDD be used for every line of code?". Again, the answer is "no"
According to him, the main stages in human evolution are measured by the use and exploration of the Earth's resources by humans: the Stone age, Metal, Coal, Oil, etc.
According to him, the main stages in human evolution are measured by the use and exploration of the Earth's resources by humans: the Stone age, Metal, Coal, Oil, etc.