Palladio's father was a miller who settled in Vicenza, where the young Andrea was apprenticed to a skilled stonemason.
The son of a stonemason, born around 469bc, Socrates was famously odd.
He was a renowned stonemason in the mountain villages, who was a man as solidly built as a stone.
He then worked on a farm, in a mine and as an apprentice stonemason before studying sculpture in Duesseldorf and West Berlin.
That wide margin by the stonemason produced immediately send a pair of shoes, artisans have a look, yes, this is the wide margin of pairs of shoes!
The site was previously occupied by a stonemason and comprised several industrial buildings, including a large steel-framed shed and a smaller concrete outbuilding.
Thomas Hardy , English novelist and poet, was born in Dorset , the son of a stonemason .
英国小说家、 人托马斯·代生于多塞特郡一个石匠家庭。
It is the product of close collaboration between the design team and the stonemason and thoroughly embraces what modern manufacturing techniques can offer.
Lucius got apprenticed to a stonemason.
Build a quarry and then a stonemason.
The "Employ Him" option on the Stonemason subject dilemma no longer kills a random character.
So the accounting went back to house reading, but only after a 15-minute stonemason rang the doorbell on.
He replied lightly: "My family had been stonemason for generations."
Socrates (c. 470–399 B. C. ), who was also a soldier during the Peloponnesian War and a stonemason after, was renowned as a philosopher and educator.
Mr Beeston, a stonemason who found the slab in a quarry years ago, thought it would make a nice headstone and nothing more.
Mr Beeston, a stonemason who found the slab in a quarry years ago, thought it would make a nice headstone and nothing more.