At that moment, everything was put into lockdown in Wuhan as if the stop button was pressed across the city.
Click the Stop button when you're done and you'll be prompted to save your file.
After you have moved through all the tasks, click the red stop button to exit the storyboard.
Finally, when the tape player stops, you can click on the stop button to stop recording.
You can tell that your application is started when the Start button changes to a Stop button.
当Start按钮更改为Stop 按钮时,您可以判断应用程序已经启动。
For most the dishwasher has a start and stop button and that's the extent of its functionality.
The lift then began to fall faster and faster until someone hit the emergency stop button.
Once the application has been started, a link to the example and a red Stop button are visible.
Each row represents an application and contains a stop button to allow for direct user interaction.
If you click on the stop button, it will change back to Start and the timer will stop running.
Safety designed, using both hands to operate, with emergency stop button jog up down function.
Machine includes one safety edge and one emergency stop button to ensure the operator's safety.
Safety devices full safety cover for noise - suppression and dust - proofing. Emergency stop button.
Safety design, using both hands to operate, with emergency stop button and jog up and down function.
Safety designed, using both hands to operate, with emergency stop button and jog up and down function.
Safety designed, using both hands to operate, with emergency stop button and jog up and down function.
Change the Startup type of the service to Disabled, and then click the stop button to stop the service.
Save the template in the desired format, then click the stop button in the Actions palette to stop recording.
If the user has not pressed the STOP button AND the loop has executed fewer than 101 times, the loop continues.
On two occasions I've seen people piling up at the bottom of an escalator and had to press the emergency stop button.
You can click pause button to pause the recording process and Stop button to cancel the recording process as required.
You must first stop the broadcast publishing point before you attempt to rename it. Click the Stop button and try again.
If you have chosen Mode automatic, then a sound will be automatically played, and in order to cancel it press stop button.
When the pump is going to stop, first press the stop button (Red), then close the water intake valves and the discharge valve.
The machine includes one photoelectric safety protection device and one emergency stop button to ensure the operators' safety.
If nothing has happened after ten seconds or so, your impatient correspondent hits the browser’s stop button followed by the reload key.
When ME in ahead slow condition, push emergency stop button respectively by E/S , in ECR and W/H, check the emergency stop and alarm.
If a page does not fully load, or takes an unreasonably long time to load, you can click the stop button to stop the loading process.
She is correct in both assumptions. The browser's Stop button is a great example of a technique to increase the user's control of the dialogue.
She is correct in both assumptions. The browser's Stop button is a great example of a technique to increase the user's control of the dialogue.