It is shown experimentally that a method available for compensating for the diffraction by centre frequency in narrow band filters can effectively improve their stopband characteristics.
The theoretical results show that for TM waves there exist frequency passband (s) and stopband (s) which can be switched into each other by varying the power.
The design method of an active SAW filter module with low frequency and high stopband rejection is introduced in this paper.
Effective method have really been provided for making high stopband rejection and high frequency SAWF and correctly using them and optimizing the component function as far as possible.
Based on the frequency sampling technique, we have proposed a new method for designing linear-phase FIR filters with steerable stopband dips.
The bandpass filter that has spurious suppression characteristics can solve this problem and it has excellent bandpass symmetry and stopband attenuation characteristics at high frequency.
The design method of an active SAW filter module with low frequency and high stopband rejection is introduced in this paper. The performances of the module developed recently are also given.
The design method of an active SAW filter module with low frequency and high stopband rejection is introduced in this paper. The performances of the module developed recently are also given.