Documents are the elements that store data in the database.
XML can also be used to store data in files or in databases.
The internal buffer area usually adopts cycle to store data in text document.
This article discusses this feature more when it discusses how to store data in DB2.
本文将在讨论如何在DB 2中存储数据时详细讨论这一特性。
This is because storing data in files is the universal way to store data in a system.
It allows users to access the Internet, play music, make calls and store data in one device.
Many persistence mechanisms store data in a relational way rather than an object-oriented way.
You can store data in different partitions in the same table of a database using table partitioning.
You cannot store data in an extended partition without first creating a logical partition within it.
Rather than store data in rigid structures like tables, they store data in loosely defined documents.
The ref attribute of the input element specifies what part of the model that input will store data in.
The database server can use CLE to store data in an encrypted format and provide password based access.
数据库服务器可以使用CLE 来以加密的格式存储数据,并提供基于密码的访问。
Recently we heard about the M-disc; which can reportedly store data in a rock-like medium for up to 1,000 years.
Recently we heard about the M-disc; which can reportedly store data in a rock-like medium for up to 1, 000 years.
The 4SS repository is highly optimized for storing XML data, although it can pretty much store data in any format.
尽管 4SS资源库可以以任意格式存储很多数据,但是它针对存储XML 数据进行了高度优化。
IBM is working on technology that will store data in individual atoms and build circuits out of a single molecule.
而 IBM正在研究 如何将数据存储到单个原子上,以及如何用单个分子来 建造电路。
A prominent example of such an application scenario is SAP systems, which store data in an internal structure of tables.
Pack: To compress and store data in a magnetic storage medium so as to save storage space. Unpack refers to de compressing.
An application that utilizes user defined objects and customizable file formats to store data in an object oriented fashion.
The order entry application in Figure 2 needs to store data in the Informix database and send and receive messages to WebSphere MQ.
图2中的订单输入应用程序需要将数据存储在Informix数据库中,还需要将消息发送到WebSphereMQ以及从WebSphere MQ接收消息。
When you store data in an indexed table, certain columns of data are copied into the index alongside the rowid of the data row in the table.
Many programs store data in text files, and separate the data fields with commas, tabs, or colons; you'll need to reject or encode user data with those values.
CD-R discs are widely used to store data in education, research, library and finance industries. The choice of disc becomes an important part of safe information storage.
目前在教育、科研及图书档案等领域中,CD - R碟片被广泛用于数据存储,使得碟片的选择成为信息安全存储的一个重要环节。
Apparatus and methods store data in a non-volatile solid state memory device (100) according to a rate-compatible code, such as a rate-compatible convolutional code (RPCC).
Both of these classes have some useful purposes and can act as the primary place to store data in applications that are designed for distributed or highly available environments.
Unlike DVDs, which store data in thin layers just beneath the surface of the disc, holographic storage encodes information in three dimensions, within the volume of the disc.
The giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect allows drives like this one, less than an inch in diameter, to detect the tiny magnetic fields that store data in portable electronic devices.
"We always store data in multiple zones to avoid this problem," said Jeremy Edberg, senior product developer at Reddit. "The reason it went down is that it failed in multiple zones."
Reddit的高级产品开发人员Jeremy Edberg说,“我们总是一直把数据存放在多个区域,以避免这个问题,网站衰弱的原因在于多个区域的数据都失效了。”
But, what is important for the company is not the scale of data, but how to store data in separate systems in different locations and turn them into valuable information for enterprise decision.
In this section, you'll see how to generate keys that let you store data for each user session.