If the first robot judged the sounds to be similar, it would nod and store the notes for future use.
The caching pattern was employed to store proxy and invoker objects for future use.
Note that though this step is optional in deploying the ruleapp to rule Execution Server (RES), it is a recommended and more systematic approach to store the RES configuration for future use.
请注意,虽然此步骤在将ruleapp规则部署到ruleExecutionServer (RES)是可选的,但是存储RES配置以备将来使用是更有系统的方法,故推荐这样做。
If you are planning to get the password once and store it for future use, Sametime tokens provide a more secure alternative.
Store a single event that has a pattern in it and calculate on the fly any future event (for something like repeat forever, etc). Use cron patterns or even better RRULE stuff.
You should be able to obtain some requirements directly this way. If not, capture and store Suggestions for future use.
Non-perishable goods can be bought at wholesale rate and and safely stashed away in the store-room for future use.
Non-perishable goods can be bought at wholesale rate and and safely stashed away in the store-room for future use.