I shall offer to pay him tomorrow; he will rant and storm about his love for you, and there will be an end of the matter.
Wang says that sediments in the areasuggest that the pterosaurs died in a large storm about 120 million years agoin the Early Cretaceous period.
The sun is surrounded by a fleet of spacecraft that can see sunspots forming, flares crackling and a solar storm about 30 minutes before it hits Earth.
A rat and a rabbit, emerging from a century and a half of peaceful seclusion, have found themselves in the eye of an international storm about their future, and the proper fate of looted artworks.
Gustav landed as a secondary storm with a wind speed of about 175 kilometers per hour, and New Orleans is expected to be hit for several hours in a row.
About 100 people are now known to have died in what has been described as the worst storm ever to hit the eastern US this century.
Life isn't about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
The pain that penetrates each joint is brought about by a change in air pressure, such as the change that proceeds a storm.
Major storm surges in 1970 and 1991 caused the deaths of about 440,000 people.
I even wrote a novel about how people needed to fall back on antiquated technology to survive the storm when everything else failed.
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
About midnight, while we still sat up, the storm came rattling over the Heights in full fury.
One of the things that was interesting, when we were talking about the Sooka, was this idea that the Sooka should be weak enough and it would be destroyed if a big storm comes through.
The market-place and the people were like the sea when the storm cometh on: they all flew apart and in disorder, especially where the body was about to fall.
Officials also have raised questions about whether Japanese banks have adequate cushions to weather another big storm.
The storm was located about 150 miles (240 kilometers) west-northwest of San Juan, Puerto Rico.
You dream about some natural disaster such as an earthquake, strong storm, tsunami or volcanic eruption.
What about a freak ice-storm that at least would cause low temperature and cost me and Jimmy's plant?
Quite to the contrary, it's about being fully present, fully conscious to our life and to all that's around us, realizing that we can be this calm in the center of the storm with our breath.
That's when they enter the "storm" period; they're upset with other team members but don't know what to do about it.
It's what I call a perfect storm of confusion about what's important in our human connections.
'I was a little nervous about losing the ring,' recalls the property developer, who dropped to one knee inside a cavernous red-brick storm drain.
'he said, shaking the white flakes from his clothes;' I wonder you should select the thick of a snow-storm to ramble about in.
Combine the perils of communication technology with our predisposition not to want to talk about the stuff that's in the middle of the room, and you have a perfect storm of anti-communication.
Yes, an iPhone up the ass is bad, as is the BlackBerry Storm you see there, but holy God the Captivate made my eyes cross just thinking about it.
The plays about Africa I watched back then are still vivid in my memory, such as the Battle Drum at the Equator, the Wrath of the Coconut Trees and the Storm of Africa.
When I talked about the word "storm" I touched on the sometimes conflicting superstitions that people used to have.
He called the storm unusual, its effects reaching Earth eight hours faster than forecast. But that timing made it just about perfect for us.
In general, Masters is especially worried about coastal New Jersey, where Hurricane Irene's storm surge could exceed ten feet (three meters).
Typhoon Neoguri weakened into a tropical storm Sarurday after hitting Hainan Friday. About 3000 passengers were stranded at Haikou airport after 76 flights were canceled.