On PC, the game had it all – imaginative story line and characters, challenging gameplay, superb graphics.
That, at least, is some comfort at a time when our national economy seems to be searching for its next story line.
There is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news.
This one here just came out. It's got great 3d graphics and a cool story line.
Frey's transgressions didn't fit Oprah's usual kind of story line, and it threw her off.
Never mind the facts; Gingrich had his story line down pat, and he applied it every chance he got.
The stock case study presents a tidy narrative arc, with a protagonist and a clear story line.
But this "inconvenient truth" doesn't fit the environmentalists' story line, so they routinely ignore it.
That kind of approach, she said, enabled me to develop a story line people could understand and support.
The story line is simple, the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in Tom Sawyer's life.
It has a 'This time is different' story line: the world's central Banks are flooding the market with liquidity.
Depending on how you play the game, you can change the outcome, almost guaranteeing a different story line each time.
The space saga follows the Terran story line as the Terrans fight off attacks from the extraterrestrials trying to take over.
This slide show steps you through the process I described in this article using simple graphics and an easy-to-understand story line.
In the year 2050, a movie is being made of your life. Please tell us the name of your movie and briefly summarize the story line.
But it means that the story line is contested, there's no clear-cut resolution, you never have agreement on what exactly happened.
So let me first say a little bit about the story line, and some of the themes at the beginning of Exodus, the first six or seven chapters.
Indeed, this story line, with its Shakespearean overtones of youth and age, vigor and decline, is among the oldest in recorded history.
The story line is simple enough: a mad sea captain vows revenge against a white whale which on a previous expedition bit off one of his legs.
The story line is simple enough: a mad sea captain vows revenge against a white whale which, on a previous expedition, bit off one of his legs.
But if you set out trying to implement this whole story line at once, if you set out trying to implement a cookie love story, it's just not gonna fly.
With easy to follow vocabulary and an emotionally invested story line about choosing who to love, this story is sure to please French learners of any age.
Since many reviewers have discussed the story line in detail, I will stick with my overall impressions of what I consider an extremely over hyped disappointing read.
Since many reviewers have discussed the story line in detail, I will stick with my overall impressions of what I consider an extremely over hyped disappointing read.