John wasn't sure if this was all correct, but it was close enough. It was difficult telling the story of a life you haven't lived yet.
On the evidence to date he will think, he will take his time and he will put his chronicling of the death of a rig into the story of a life richly, interestingly lived.
It draws Muir's own writings to bring readers a life story of this remarkable man who did so much to raise American's awareness of environmental issues.
After a couple of brandies Michael started telling me his life story.
It's a story about his family before he left and sort of how he had a very happy, joyful life with his family.
Each sculpture tells a story and it's made of special material, which is good for the sea life.
In a remarkable story of survival, this Hungarian stork was given a new lease on life after being fitted with an artificial prosthetic beak.
Back at school, David wrote a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy, and it came out as a book in 20. Mang young people love his book, and as a result, David has become a successful young writer.
Chi Li, a popular writer, tells a love story of a beautiful lady who sells duck necks in this street in her novel Life Show.
One of my blog entries, from May of 2016, tells us how hobbies can help us identify some of our passions and that in turn can give us interesting content to include in a life story or memoir.
What struck me from the outset is that something as pervasive and stubborn as cancer must be a deep part of the story of life itself.
For someone inclined to "inhale the raw material of life and exhale a comedy routine or a story", playwriting was a natural refuge.
Chaos Theory shines by breathing new life into the classic story concept of a man frustrated by his life.
Week by week when he got home from work, Murong would post new pieces to a story that painted a bleak yet honest picture of modern urban life in the city where he lived.
He tells a story of a socially marginal, disrupted family life.
What breathed life into the story was the birth of a boy who lived in Downing Street.
That night, I wrote down in the form of a story all the questions that puzzled me about life.
I am aware of the people in my life to whom I will never relate the story or the jokes of a good Mario role-playing game.
He has also written a book called "Life on the Color Line: the True Story of a White Boy Who Discovered he Was Black."
than Kevin Kelly, whose life story reads like a treatise on the value of technology.
"Zach's story is a unique one, not only because of what he's overcome in life but also because of his passion for Kentucky basketball, " Newton said.
That would be a depressing end to the story of habitable zones, if not for a series of amazing findings that life on Earth is not what everyone thought it was.
The story of Adam and Cynthia Morey's life together begins with a bravura description of their wedding in Pittsburgh.
Similarly, a page representing a news story might only change a couple of times in its life, so there is no need to regenerate it on every request.
Similarly, a page representing a news story might only change a couple of times in its life, so there is no need to regenerate it on every request.