I paused in my fiction to shield my eyes and stanch the arrow-straight tracks clawed down my cheek.
The arrow missed the target and stuck straight in the grass.
Now his feet were quick, decisive, taking him straight back to the store like an arrow.
The sharp arrow flew straight to Bruce too fast to leave any time for his escaping.
Looks like our resident moral compass isn't such a straight arrow after all.
The most essential point of the meditation posture is to keep the back straight, like "an arrow" or "a pile of golden COINS".
If the part adds a diagonal straight line arrow, is the variable mark, indicated that its displacement and the pressure are may adjust.
Because the blocks self-align, the fit is arrow-straight and level.
Andy: the funny thing is on the outside, I was an honest man. Straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook.
Contrast-enhanced MR angiogram shows the proper digital vessels, with the ulnar artery to the second digit (straight arrow) coursing toward a small enhancing lesion in the fingertip (curved arrow).
Tall and straight as an arrow he stood, facing a cold, penetrating wind - truly a picture of a sturdy man, even though in his eighties.
An arrow doesn't travel in a straight line, but in curve.
The arrow of time can only show us the direction of time, it shall not tell us time is straight or time must go towards the future.
Keep that laser cutting straight ahead through the water as you breathe - or think of slicing through the water like an arrow through the air, at all times but especially while breathing.
The same gentleman that told me you tried to get your broker's license also told me that you are a straight arrow .
Arrow with a straight arrowhead. Adjust the arrow by dragging a control handle or selection handle.
Paul, a devout Baptist, director of his church choir, and certified straight arrow, listened patiently while the legislators droned on.
There sits a village. I just caught sight of an arrow-straight road from North West, the direction of Fanchi County, paralleling the small path I took.
I was very much a product of my environment. I was very traditional, a real straight arrow in lots of ways.
He not only gorged himself on the Confucian Classic, afforded up to science, and had a solid grounding in Chinese Studies, but also developed a quality of straight-arrow, persistence and carefulness.
Even though generously curved, Graig is straight as an arrow.
The little girl flew straight as an arrow to her mother at the sound of the thunder.
The funny thing is on the outside I was an honest man, straight as an arrow, I has to come to the prison to be a crook.
The funny thing is on the outside I was an honest man, straight as an arrow, I has to come to the prison to be a crook.