He fathomed what it was straight away, and immediately knew that the sleeper was in his power.
I didn't pick up the napkin straight away.
Don't Answer Calls and Emails Straight away.
You may straight away become aware of your third eye, but that does not happen often.
I am disabled so can't get up the stairs to Simone's flat so I called the police straight away.
She picked up the knife, looked at me and I took 10 shots. I knew straight away: I've got a picture.
The certain prospect of spending a few days behind bars straight away made most of the probationers behave.
If you could straight away do a content reframe, you will not have formed the belief in the first place.
Straight away, Farrell set about buying the surrounding area and turning it into a butterfly wonderland.
Beth: Thanks Sally. The senior managers need the results from last month straight away, so I can't stop to talk.
Be careful who you tell, don't rush off and tell everyone straight away - you might regret telling them later.
Even n00bs (if there are any) can click on to the page and understand straight away that it's a portal for search.
甚至是n00 bs(如果还有的话)都可以点击页面,并知道这里搜素门户。
In Switzerland and the European Union Banks face restrictions on how much of a bonus they can pay in cash straight away.
That is, it's easy to write down straight away that dG with respect to temperature at constant pressure s is minus s.
I made the phone call and got through to the doctor. The girl gratefully thanked me and turned to leave straight away.
I came back from the [Under-20] World Cup and then played straight away at Manchester United, which was a really hard game.
It might mean putting your exercise kit on as soon as you get up - so that you're ready for your workout straight away.
Pearl had nothing else planned for the morning so she went along to the jewellers straight away clutching the Daily News.
正好珀尔上午也没什么安排,所以就径直去了新闻里讲的那家珠宝店。 在那里,她受到了异常盛情的接待。
I hadn't expected to get pregnant straight away, but when nothing had happened after six months I went to see the doctor.
Given that a new car takes five to seven years to develop, new technologies cannot be incorporated straight away, they argue.
The problem is often posed this way: you've got a friend in your car who will die if you do not get to the hospital straight away.
Three days later, he took the money and returned to his hometown in Anhui, but his mother noticed the difference straight away.
Because of the satellite's relatively low altitude, debris began re-entering the atmosphere almost straight away, the us defence department said.
One thing I love about the guide is that you don’t dive into Discovering Your Passion straight away, you want people to discover themselves first.
If they miss a school bus home you need to talk through what they will do, especially if you are working and can't pick them up straight away.
This helps me to identify straight away, when viewing the audit log or the audit report, if there has been a read or write access on the file.
You may not get a ‘yes’ straight away, but if your employer sees that you are serious about making a change, you’ve at least built a starting point.
Beyond one of the sentinels nobody was in sight; the railroad ran straight away into a forest for a hundred yards, then, curving, was lost to view.
"I got up and there was thick white smoke everywhere — worse than a fire. I knew straight away that it was carbon monoxide," he told the new Zealand Herald.
"I got up and there was thick white smoke everywhere — worse than a fire. I knew straight away that it was carbon monoxide," he told the new Zealand Herald.