This product applicable to the grinding of glass double-straight edge.
Another without ruffled taper sealing head has straight edge docking part.
Traditional isoparametric elements are usually sensitive to various curved or straight edge mesh distortion.
"Due to small round cord, tight straight edge have also produced in Xinyang, Henan Province, so named" Xinyangmaojian.
In the west, a straight edge was created to the south of the UBS to allow for addition of further buildings in the future.
To truly get the end with the backset tapered the same as the straight end, I can't use a straight edge to draw the whole line.
The processed cruving and straight edge can be trimmed by the square roller from the top and bottom at the same time with fine, Evenness and precision.
To make clean straight folds in cardboard, first make a crease along the line with a blunt edge such as a spoon handle, then fold against a firm straight edge.
The apertures in which the cutting edges are formed has at least one straight edge (80) by which a punch, used in the process of forming the edge may be oriented.
It is proved that for a image subblock with a single straight edge, the DCT coefficient. energy compaction orientation and the spatial edge orientation are not always orthogonal.
The straight-line bilateral milling machine used PLC control system Settings interface processing parameters through a pair of straight edge to complete the Cumo, Jingmo, polishing.
One, two, three ... three times at the other ... so eight specific actions by him, knocking it with another stone, to take off a flake, and to leave this almost straight line, which is a sharp edge.
A string of professional managers had led the company straight off the edge of that cliff.
The upper edge of J-10B’s tailfin is curved, in contrast to the straight-edged tailfin of the J-10.
From the side, the front line is perpendicular and straight, coinciding with the maxillary edge or slightly projected forward.
When a round object rolls along a straight line, a track on the round edge is called a roulette or a cycloid.
Of flat glass products for the grinding. Glass straight double-edge of the Cumo, Jingmo Chamfer on both sides of the Cumo and one-time processing can be completed.
The crotch is bunched up under the pattern, but as long as you cut that edge in a straight line it doesn't matter because there will eventually be elastic there.
This paper deals theoretically with the influences of various kinds of mutual coherence function and the degree of coherence on the distribution of straight-edge generated image field.
The amplitude of edge waves is much smaller than that of forcing waves in the case of straight coastline and two-dimensional shelf topography.
With the mic placed on a boom stand, position the mic about two feet above the drummer's head, and point it straight down at the bass drum pedal's inner edge.
This includes several wild grasses at both a straight-on Angle and side Angle, the cliff wall, cliff edge, rock and grass mixture, etc.
The subpixel line equations of two generatrices in two planes projected by the rotary object is obtained by the subpixel straight line edge detection method based on spatial moment.
In project measuring about relax curve, the computing method on the coordinate of edge ram by the curve and the meet of curve and straight line is introduced.
We can totally imaged Voltaire's flickering eyes, as same as icy knife with keen edge, yet Voltaire obsequiously evaded the group that occupied powerful position, straight pierced to Rousseau.
Experimental results show that for the straight line-rich images this algorithm can get better edge reconstruction quality compared with the traditional wavelet-based image coding.
From the usage characteristics of automatic testing optical lens, a viewpoint of straight-edge response function as final evaluation criterion is proposed in this paper.
From the usage characteristics of automatic testing optical lens, a viewpoint of straight-edge response function as final evaluation criterion is proposed in this paper.