Jim: look at that one! It's a very strange looking goose. There's another one just like it.
He looked at me with a strange look and still turned away, but, this time he did say goodbye to me quietly.
Walking into the room. She went near the bed and pulled the covers. her grandma was lying there whit low hat and a strange look.
Esmeralda danced faster and faster, and the eyes of one face in the crowd around Gringoire were fixed on her with a strange look.
Once again this strange look came over her face and she told me that she had seen a ghost floating above my body and that it was female!
" Parents only! " At this reply, there past her eyes flashed kind of strange look, but then she asked in a cool voice, " What would they have done, if had got here?
A look at the strange variations in tuition reveals that the choice about which college to attend doesn't come down merely to dollars and cents.
It was interesting to see such a strange sight, but there were a lot of people around and I was a bit worried about the bees and the people stopping to look.
He felt as if he were being led to look at some strange bird's nest and must move softly.
Many people travel to Loch Ness to look for this strange monster, but only a few people have seen it.
Oh, there is another strange sea life, you know, the sea horse. It is a fish, but it does not look like a fish.
We might feel like we look ugly or strange.
When I noticed someone looking unusual or strange, I would look the person in the eye, smile and say, "May I help you?"
Jina stood there with a sad face and said, "They all look so good, but I am so strange."
Jina looked at them and thought, "Zebras take such beautiful leaps. How easily they run! Look at my walk—it is so strange-looking."
This call might look strange, but remember that in this scenario the focus is on a cluster of applications using a trusted partner to act as the OP.
And what they said was, look, you can't put this in, we're starting to notice it does some strange things.
So I can similarly do this, which is going to look strange because it's going to give me the same value back out, but it actually did a slightly different thing.
(two exclamation marks), might look a little strange, but it's a command history sigil that repeats the previous command verbatim.
At first glance, this Bangkok airport doesn't look particularly strange, but sandwiched between the two runways is in fact an 18-hole golf course.
If you do look down at the Periodic Table and get above 109, Uun Uuu Uub you will see these strange notations here, Uun,Uuu,Uub What is all of this?
The jQuery getJSON function in Listing 15 might look a bit strange, but it's quite easy once you understand what's going on
清单15 中的jQuerygetJSON函数看上去有点奇怪,但如果您明白接下来的操作,就会非常简单
I think, being long and thin and slender, optically it will look very strange coming across,? Ess said, adding that the first visible thing should be the standard roll program to Orient the rocket.
Another strange phenomenon is the common anxiety in people that when people look at them, they think it is an aggressive stance, not a friendly introduction.
But this calm period - this strange time when we know everything and yet nothing - is the fun part, because we get to take our best shots at guessing what our new toys will look like.
The only statements in this rule that might look somewhat strange are the last three consequence statements.
What a strange feeling it is—surely we all know it—to look through old letters of our young days; a different life rises up out of the past, as it were, with all its hopes and sorrows.
我们都知道,假如我们把我们年轻时代的旧信拿出来读读,我们会产生一种多么奇怪的感觉啊! 整个的一生和这生命中的希望和哀愁都会浮现出来。
And so to look at the dozens of photographs in either gallery proves strange: interesting, atmospheric and yet largely peripheral to the art itself.
And so to look at the dozens of photographs in either gallery proves strange: interesting, atmospheric and yet largely peripheral to the art itself.