He is charged with the strangulation of two students.
There is a "risk of strangulation" if metal fasteners impede the flow of sap.
There is a “risk of strangulation” if metal fasteners impede the flow of sap.
Similar products is strangulation strangulation, and to enjoy the cheap called.
Possible entanglement or strangulation injury when attached to crib or playpen .
We endured half a decade of stupidity, cupidity and the slow strangulation of dreams.
I may spare myself the details; it was my poor mother, dead of strangulation by human hands!
Groin hernia presents a low incidence but relatively high strangulation rate in female patients.
Looped cords of all sorts are a strangulation hazard and should be kept out of reach of children.
The pre-operative diagnosis of small intestinal strangulation due to an adhesion ileus is often difficult.
Possible entanglement or strangulation injury when attached to crib or playpen. Do not attach to crib or playpen.
"It was y-you?" Harry said at last, his teeth chattering, his voice weaker than usual due to his near-strangulation.
Is it love, or a mutual strangulation society? Martha Beck shows you five ways to get a real grip on the real thing.
1000 children under the age of 14 die from strangulation accidents each year according to Boston Children’s Hospital.
What I hate with women generally is the intimacy, the invasion of my innermost space, the slow strangulation of my art.
There is also a risk of strangulation if the child places their neck between the lifting loops and the rolled up blind.
Mr Mbeki will argue that economic strangulation would hurt the hapless Zimbabwean masses more than the pampered elite around Mr Mugabe.
Roller Blinds: If the tension device is not attached to the wall or floor, young children may pull the bead chain around their neck, posing a risk of strangulation.
Through medicolegal expertise, the Peng some system was resulted in"mechanical property asphyxia"'s causing death by the others manual strangulation while was living.
An additional hazard exists when the Roman blind has a continuous looped bead chain that if not attached to the wall or floor, which poses a strangulation hazard to children.
Working around the clock, we induced strangulation in a mouse. This was accomplished by coaxing the rodent to ingest healthy portions of Gouda cheese and then making it laugh.
Roman blinds: Looped bead chains and exposed inner cords on the back of Roman blinds can present an entanglement or strangulation hazard to young children if they are placed around their neck.
The deep scratches came to light as the Connecticut medical examiner released le's cause of death to be strangulation, or it was officially described as "traumatic asphyxia due to neck compression."
The deep scratches came to light as the Connecticut medical examiner released le's cause of death to be strangulation, or it was officially described as "traumatic asphyxia due to neck compression."