But CCTV does not seem strapped for cash.
We learned how to pinch pennies when we were strapped for cash.
I'd love to go to dinner with you guys, but I'm a bit strapped for cash.
I'd love to go for dinner with you guys, but I'm a bit strapped for cash.
Strapped for cash, she gets inventive and turns to old habits for a solution.
That left many Banks strapped for cash, and scrambling for ways to make new loans.
Germany's Siemens plans to provide finance for customers that are strapped for cash.
Companies, strapped for cash and chastened by recession, will focus more on execution.
Who do you turn to when you're strapped for cash? It's normal to ask a friend for help.
I'm strapped for cash recently since I'm investing most of my money into the stock market.
Strapped for cash, many have slowed their production and even warned of bankruptcy in recent months.
Whether you're strapped for cash or feeling comfortable, we could all stand to make a few tweaks to our personal budgets.
Iranian airlines, including those run by the state, are chronically strapped for cash, and maintenance has suffered, experts say. U.
TAMPA, Florida — With U.S. school districts strapped for cash, more are considering a schedule that delights students and makes working parents cringe: Class only four days a week.
坦帕市,佛罗里达州 --由于美国学区资金短缺,越来越多的学校开始考虑一个既令学生高兴,又会让忙于工作的家长们头疼的一周四天制教育。
One possible reason: There's something satisfying about adding a little bit of luxury to your life - and even if you're strapped for cash, you can usually fit a lip gloss into your budget.
The Belgian Government - strapped for cash - struck a deal to sell the remaining banking activities to BNP Paribas of France, but Fortis shareholders t to court to secure a say on the deal.
For everybody else, such as infrequent readers and the young and cash-strapped, the mobile phone may become the preferred e-reader.
Other cash-strapped states may follow Mr. Schwarzenegger in turning to Washington for more help, some budget experts said.
If the company can deliver the planes for the price it quoted, it will assuage F-35 doubters in Congress and cash-strapped Allies who will be buying the jet, analysts have said.
分析家们说,如果该公司能够以该低报价交付飞机,它会缓和国会和购买飞机的现金短缺的盟友中f - 35的怀疑者的态度。
They grabbed some of the market for syndicated loans from cash-strapped Western Banks.
Jostling with them for limited funds will be a fast-growing number of cash-strapped non-financial firms.
The retail appetite for corporate bonds has been a fillip for other cash-strapped European borrowers.
These included guaranteeing bank loans to small firms, letting cash-strapped companies defer tax payments and subsidising the exchange of old cars for more eco-friendly new ones.
LIKE the alumni of a cash-strapped college, ethnic South Asians living abroad are constantly being pestered to fork out a bit for the dear old place.
Milwaukee wants to raise water rates for existing customers to support its cash-strapped water supplier.
Measured across a fleet of buses, that's a tremendous savings for cash-strapped transit authorities, which generally rely upon federal assistance to buy vehicles.
You can invite friends over for a clothing or book swap, and ask them to take the money they've saved on shopping and give it to cash-strapped local shelters.
You can invite friends over for a clothing or book swap, and ask them to take the money they've saved on shopping and give it to cash-strapped local shelters.