All this creates a big opportunity for "strategic mergers" -that is, the old fashioned sort in which one company buys another.
These companies have completed nearly 125 public offerings, and more than 115 have been acquired through strategic mergers and sales.
Strategic mergers and acquisitions, based on industry and aimed at enhancing enterprise's core competitiveness, are becoming the main trend in mergers and acquisitions in China.
Aerospace analysts don't expect more major consolidations like this deal any time soon, though they said it could spark some strategic mergers of medium-size aerospace companies.
In fact, "strategic" mergers and acquisitions are not dead.
At the same time, it will enable us to maintain the operating focus we need to capture the strategic opportunity created by our bottler mergers, particularly in North America.
The increased competition in the global market has prompted the Indian companies to go for mergers and acquisitions as an important strategic choice.
Strategic matching, organizational matching and process controllability are three key factors in preventing and controlling risks and indispensable in mode selection in mergers and acquisitions.
Strategic matching, organizational matching and process controllability are three key factors in preventing and controlling risks and indispensable in mode selection in mergers and acquisitions.