The financial markets supporting an iconic company like AT&T is making a big strategic move.
But Peter's strategic move had spawned one of Europe's most beautiful cities.
We will do strategic move A because it will produce the best results in the future.
Windows Layer - Microsoft's best strategic move would leverage its hundreds of millions of PC users.
The fact that the financial markets support an iconic company like AT&T is making a big strategic move that can't help be anything but a positive sign.
When asked why Microsoft was making a move into the highly competitive world of digital music services, Mr Bale replied: “This shouldn’t be seen as a major company-wide strategic move.
According to the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, about three quarters of energy we use to move things, including ourselves, accomplish no useful work.
According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, about three quarters of the energy we use to move things, including ourselves, accomplishes no useful work.
Once again this move was for strategic reasons as it was located in the Aures Mountains.
It shows that the French are ready to move outside their traditional sphere and to match their military presence to strategic interests rather than colonial links.
The move by China comes just ahead of a 'strategic dialogue' on economic issues between the U.S. and China, planned for December in Beijing.
Helmand is strategic, lying along the Pakistan border, where the illicit opium trade flourishes and fighters and weapons move easily across the porous border.
We thought this might signify a change coming in Facebook and today's announcement of a "strategic relationship" with PayPal seems to confirm that Facebook is looking to move in new directions.
India's big strategic decision in recent years has been to move closer to Washington.
The MLS side began a "strategic relationship" with Arsenal earlier this year and this latest move has lead to speculation that the KSE Group may buy out the Emirates Stadium club completely.
The executive who holds it is never consulted on major strategic decisions and has no chances to move up to Chief executive Officer (CEO).
A more strategic approach should be adopted to environmental, health and safety compliance to move it further up the product development cycle.
I'm taking the opportunity to make a career move from marketing to strategic communications.
I'm taking the opportunity to make a career move from marketing to strategic communications.