I finally backed down because I met a man on Wall Street, a very prominent Wall Street person, and he said, "you know, my son started to take your course."
The first person down the street was a milkman with his car (小车) .
You may share a dinner with a homeless person, visit lonely old people in the nursing home, or help the blind cross the street.
How can the person in charge of assessing Wall Street firms not have the tools to understand them?
What about the person who works for Evian but rides a bike everywhere and picks up trash off the street?
I constantly talk to friends, colleagues, clients and even your average person on the street who tell me they'd love to do this or that.
There are some quite humorous videos of people who start talking to someone on the street (who has stopped them and asked for directions) and then don't notice when the person actually changes!
"We created a certain image" based on a real person, Mr. Yen said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
Rigo Estrada says he used to be the kind of person who threw trash on the street.
It was uncanny, like meeting a person in the street whom you feel you know but cannot place.
I feel I have a duty to explain what it is like to be psychotic - to be that person muttering at you in the street. But what I really want to explain is that you can come out the other side.
When the bike rider is faster (which will be most of the time), each person should maintain their own sides of the street, traveling the correct way according to the rules.
Herr Paulick, a prominent Socialist, was attacked in a dark street at Dessau by an unknown person and received severe face injuries.
On a low-volume street with no sidewalks, each person should stay on her own side of the road.
Your Wall Street credentials and private jet may have been relevant info online, but boasting about your bank account in person is hardly attractive.
I will not elaborate on this appearance, the street, just grab a person will have and I know.
Don't be shy! Do this every time you walk past a person at the grocery store, street, or even at work.
Pick a random person of the street, say 'genome,' and they'll think 'sequence.'
You can get the street with an XPath expression like address/street/text() or maybe /person[last-name="Gosling"]/address[@type="work"]/city .
可以利用address/street/text()或者 /person[last-name="Gosling"]/address[@type="work"]/city这样的XPath表达式来得到街道名。
'I don't think it's just whining,' said one person at a Wall Street firm. 'There are legitimate liquidity issues that people have.'
It's a two-way street in which you are generally concerned with how the other person is doing.
If you pass someone in the street you may eye the oncoming person till you are about eight feet apart, then you must look away as you pass.
Road of walking through, include to meet in street of person, may change when oneself stand down a road of unfamiliar, even forget in the time.
Scene: a street, Phoebe walks up to a homeless person (Lizzie) she knows.
Scene: a street, Phoebe walks up to a homeless person (Lizzie) she knows.