Many unbelievable feats of strength and endurance have been accomplished under the influence of fly agaric.
However, in recent years, evidence has shown that training programs designed primarily to improve muscular strength and endurance might also offer some health benefits as well.
It allows you to build strength and endurance, and also improve flexibility.
But Sandel's strength and endurance were superb, and he continued to stay on his feet.
It senses what I want to do, where I want to go, and then augments my strength and endurance.
The even started Triathalons, competing in 6 iron man, the ultimate test of strength and endurance.
She's got roses, which mean happiness, and oak and acorns, which stand for strength and endurance.
The degree of substance is sufficient to ensure strength and endurance without sacrificing grace.
It appears that ginseng directly influences brain cells, activating and enhancing cognitive strength and endurance.
Judo requires a disciplined training regimen, which Ryan says includes strength and endurance training and judo practice.
Stats, or statistics, are broad descriptions such as Body (physical strength and endurance) and Mind (intelligence and memory).
This article mainly studies the activated peptide capsule to the effect on the strength and endurance ability of the rower.
Others test their strength and endurance in the difficult marathon and weightlifting. The winners do not receive any cash prizes.
To have strength and endurance, and to show restraint in either case, is the mark of a man who possesses a perfect and indomitable soul.
Various physical changes are possible, including increased body fat; reduced muscle bulk, strength and endurance; and decreased bone density.
The ritual for conjuration and teleportation was taxing and such a long teleportation would drain strength and endurance from the travelers.
The test measures leg strength and endurance - which are needed to move around without falling - rather than flexibility and agility like the SRT.
Constructed of ductile cast iron, it ensures maximum strength and endurance for possible exposure to acid wash down in pulp and paper applications.
There are 20 indoor mountain bikes in it. Such exercise can improve the function of your heart, reduce redundant fat and enhance the strength and endurance.
On the whole, then, strong emotions may prepare us for the primitive type of battle in which brute strength and endurance and speed of flight determine survival.
The latest Raytheon Sarcos model -- likened to an "Iron Man suit" -- includes claw-like hand extensions and gives troops 20 times their natural strength and endurance.
最近,雷神公司开发出了可媲美“钢铁侠套装”的萨克斯模型(RaytheonSarcos model),该模型拥有一个爪型的手部扩展装置,可以将士兵们的力量和耐力提高20倍。
The integral light-alloy wheel is an important safety part of the motorcycle and can be used after bering proved qualified by subjecting to strength and endurance tests.
For one thing, extensive research has established that most women are endowed with substantially less physical strength and endurance than most of their male counterparts.
The result is to reduce stiffness, which will prevent arthritis or improve it if you already have the condition. Maintaining many of the asanas encourages strength and endurance.
What we found were many swimmers with exceptional strength and endurance who were only average performers, and a few individuals with average strength and endurance who were outstanding swimmers.
The exercise therapy group received a home program focusing on pain contingent training of back, abdominal, and leg muscle functional strength and endurance, stretching, and cardiovascular fitness.
The exercise therapy group received a home program focusing on pain contingent training of back, abdominal, and leg muscle functional strength and endurance, stretching, and cardiovascular fitness.