The researchers created computer simulations of polar and brown bear skulls to estimate their bite strength and the stresses put on the skull by biting.
I hope my grandchildren will have the strength to bear the tibia difficulties and disappointments and grieves of life.
However, the strength of bears is too strong, despite a hungry fox grievances, but did not dare to bear always.
On the premise of assured structural strength and good appearance, all parts shall bear good processibility and proper manufacturing cost.
The material of frame and shaft head is imported. It's of high strength that can bear high pressure. It's never deformation.
Through the strength analysis of the main body, it verifies that blocking-wheel cylinder can bear impact loads by the gyral kilns.
I hope my grandchildren will have the strength to bear the inevitable difficulties and disappointments and grieves of life.
This article discussed the large military shelter structure design, and according to bear weight condition of the shelter, the strength and rigidity are finite element analysed.
Because of I old tired heart, like spider web after the rain broken, can't bear strength wind hit already.
Foundation rocks are required to have the enough strength to bear the load of dam body.
We pray to God to give strength and courage to all of you to bear the losses of lives, we share the grief of your nation with the most heart felt sorrow.
You will feel unsure of the outcome but your natural strength and resolve will bear it well.
K is for the safety coefficient from the overall structure can bear the load to, and it could be more accurately to reflect the structural strength design of a combination of factors.
K is for the safety coefficient from the overall structure can bear the load to, and it could be more accurately to reflect the structural strength design of a combination of factors.