She stretched out her palms and feet and smiled: See not a scratch, your father must have looked after me.
For the readers who took our advice and are stretched out in a beach chair, sipping a tall iced drink, and reading this on their laptop, what are some of your coolest server performance tips?
With your leg stretched out in front of you and the knee supported, make an imaginary line from the heel to the ground.
You'll be amazed at yourself when a goal that once seemed out of reach has become your reality because you've stretched yourself.
When things are really stressful, you will rub your hands together with fingers stretched out and interlaced.
The sure-fire test for runner's knee: sit down and put your leg out on a chair so that it's stretched out straight.
The woman had already bent over and scooped Molly up into her arms.she awkwardly6 opened her purse and stretched out a twenty-dollar bill toward me. "For your trouble," she offered.
When you're finished with your workout (and you'll be surprised at how quickly you get out of the gym doing this), your muscles have been taxed in a brand new way and need to be stretched.
Each baby is lying on his side with his whole body facing you and his legs stretched out across your upper abdomen.
After your knee has stretched out for a while, perform a set of ten quadriceps contractions with your leg in the same position.
One of the best ways to start training the quads to work in the straight-knee position is by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out straight in front of you.
One of the best ways to start training the quads to work in the straight-knee position is by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out straight in front of you.