The second is to be strict with workers' hands and manufacture equipment and workshops and factory buildings in manufacture process to prohibit the occurrence of hygiene problem.
Then, in December, India put in place strict new limits so that no more than 1% of a project's work force can be foreign nationals, with a ceiling of 40 workers for power projects.
Although the patients wear their thick gauze masks and the medical workers in contact with them taking strict measures to isolate from them, some of them are still unfortunately infected.
Staffed with skillful workers, equipped with different kinds of machinery, and under our strict management, we provide good quality of packaging and on-time delivery for all our customers.
That's why I'm very strict with my co-workers.
Strict accordance with the "Labor Law, " with the peasant workers employed by labour contracts;
Strict accordance with the "Labor Law, " with the peasant workers employed by labour contracts;