To stride over, across, or farther than.
However, it can stride over these obstacles in artistic works, some of which attain unprecedented successes.
Take the seat in order. Do not stride over the middle rail. Do not lie or step on the seat or do anything unsafe.
Firstly, we should stride over the living border and attain common understanding between researcher and practitioner.
Often, can, love can't match distance, turn out to be, "from the chasm being to be not allowed to stride over - - - really".
Electronic medical record (EMR) can record the history record in diagram and text. EMR can stride over the restrict of time and space.
The humanism thinks , read classics being able to stride over the time and space chasm, survival state and mindset improving human being.
With one long stride over this divide we traveled back another 1.5 million years, then walked out above a stark, gully-cut plain, ashy purple in the high afternoon heat.
Certainly, brand is the most valuable assets of corporation, as it can stride over the time and space. There is always an enthusiastic client standing behind each successful advertising.
强劲的品牌因其固若磐石的宝贵资产,得以跨越时空历久弥坚,每个成功广告的背后,都站着一 位热情洋溢的客户。
Article 63 Pedestrians shall not stride over, rest or sit on road isolation facilities, or jump onto vehicles, or forcibly block vehicles, or jeopardize road traffic safety in other ways.
Other times, within a run, I learn to avoid small mistakes, repeating wasted gestures that don't hurt a single stride much but can waste energy or injure me when added up over 26.2 miles.
有时,在跑步过程中,我学习避免小的错误,避免重复多余的姿势(多余的姿势对单个步幅没有太大影响,但却会在整个 26.2 英里的跑步过程中浪费能量或伤害到我)。
Though pressed confidently over one benighted place, they might slide slowly down, or fall off, all of which Mr Scott took in his smiling stride.
In contrast, a crouched stride yielded markedly deeper toe impressions than heel impressions, reflecting faster weight transfer over the length of the foot.
Though pressed confidently over one benighted place, they might slide slowly down, or fall off, all of which Mr Scott took in his smiling stride.
Though pressed confidently over one benighted place, they might slide slowly down, or fall off, all of which Mr Scott took in his smiling stride.