The railway strike fizzled out on its second day as drivers returned to work.
The six-month strike seemed to be petering out.
The company locked out the workers, and then the rest of the work force went on strike.
But imagine that you are marooned on an island with just your rusty laptop... ok, strike out the 'Gilligan's island' scenario and look at a more realistic setting of being away from a net connection.
If you can do that, you may strike out many times, but you'll always be the person who hit that grand slam-which in turn will breed further success.
When I’ve lost my job it was an opportunity for reinvention and to strike out on my own.
When I've lost my job it was an opportunity for reinvention and to strike out on my own.
Young orangutans normally don't leave mom's side until they're 10 or so, and even when they do strike out on their own, they often return to "visit" for the next few years.
Sometimes he was all but submerged, swimming through oblivion with a faltering stroke; and again, by some strange alchemy of soul, he would find another shred of will and strike out more strongly.
The man knows it's better for his friend to strike out confidently and learn from the failure experience.
In addition to the collective efforts, we can also witness individuals embracing a new definition of leadership; young and old making the conscious choice to eschew rank and strike out on their own.
SOME natural disasters, like the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, strike out of the blue.
Too bad I still strike out with the girls. None of the good ones want to go out with me.
Some experts say this dichotomy explains why Silicon Valley firms that strike out abroad have sometimes been the targets of European Union data watchdogs.
The shuttles consigned American astronauts to low orbits, going round and round, unable to strike out to distant destinations.
When Leverrier was working at his great discovery he did not strike out a new path in science; he was sup ported by a great law of nature, the base of all astronomical knowledge.
It's all well and good to jump off the deep end if no one's depending on your earnings. But if you have a family or other dependents, you have to be absolutely sure before you strike out on your own.
Deciding in 1999 to strike out on his own, he started Peninsula.
If you're not getting the opportunity to grow at your workplace, you need to find a different job or strike out and learn new skills and information on your own.
Or you can strike out on your own, focusing on freelancing or building your own business focused on your own priorities.
The answer, increasingly, seems to be that they’ll have to strike out on their own.
Whether you use one of these frameworks or just strike out on your own, you'll just need to remove the elements you don't need.
The competition is intense, but if you've got an eye for style you may be able to convince a pro to take you on. Once you've completed your apprenticeship, you can strike out on your own.
All you remember about your child being twelve is sitting in the stands during baseball practice and hoping your child's team would strike out fast because you had more important things to do at home.
Two years later Toyota decided to strike out on its own and built a massive manufacturing plant in Central Kentucky, 300 miles due south of Detroit.
But on 114 occasions Dr Mitani's colleague Sylvia Amsler watched large groups of males strike out on silent, single-file patrols to the fringes of their territory.
The success of these clothes caught the attention of the fashion press prompting Kors to strike out on his own.
The success of these clothes caught the attention of the fashion press prompting Kors to strike out on his own.