Note: fgets reads at most BUFSIZ - 1 chars from fin and stores them in the char string line.
Theseus left a line of string behind him when he entered the maze.
You can avoid this embarrassing fate a couple of ways: suppress the troublesome new line, or set the appropriate string as a variable ahead of time.
As shown below, each line in every file provided will be transformed into an inflected alphanumeric string.
When the search string is found in one of the tree items, that tree item is selected (line 48).
The short form string should include each valid option letter, followed by a colon (:) to indicate that the command line option should be followed by a value.
短形式字符串应该包含每个有效的选项字母,每个字母后面是一个冒号 (:),这表示命令行选项后面应该是一个值。
Its only argument is the address of the string to be displayed, which is passed on to it by pushing the address of the string in the stack (line 30).
When executed from a command line, the program reads the XML content from a file into a string variable.
The print statement in Line 8 is another of those string formatting operations that was discussed earlier.
We can also replace the text in the buffer at a given line number or remove the first occurrence of a string in the current line, using this utility.
So, I'm getting a string and so what really am I doing in this line of code?
The XML doesn't contain any new line or CR codes, so it's just one big long string of XML.
For example, Line 2 shows a check that determines if an empty string has been provided.
Line 1 uses splitlines(), a string function, to separate the list of servers, and then these values are stored as a variable, appServers.
第 1 行使用一个字符串函数splitlines() 分隔服务器列表,然后将这些值作为一个变量appServers 进行存储。
The next line - public static void main (String args) - generally unleashes an avalanche of questions about implementation details: What is static?
下一行—publicstaticvoidmain (Stringargs)—通常将引发关于实现细节的一连串问题:什么是static ?
Line 2 creates a string data element based on the definition for element0 in schema1 and the content of field0.
A JPQL query is specified as a String (line 2).
Exec -this handy PHP function sends a string for the operating system's command line to process.
Thus, if you make several println calls in succession, each string in the output will appear on a separate line.
The auditing log is specified as a flat file called audit.log in which every line is a comma-separated string of the format timestamp,jar id,sweet type code, jar size code,mass of jar.
审计日志被指定为一个名为 audit.log 的平面文件,其中的每一行都是一个以逗号分隔的字符串,格式为 timestamp,jarid,sweettypecode, jarsize code,mass of jar。
EntityManager is the factory that constructs an executable query instance given a JPQL string (line 3).
EntityManager是构造一个包含给定j PQ l字符串的可执行查询实例的工厂(第3行)。
The new regular expression in the second line matches any string that contains MSIE or starts with Lynx.
The mkewuid script function will output a record line for each string of characters provided on the command line.
At line 2, the programmer thought he'd replaced all of the b's in the string with p's.
Line 4 encodes the string Double secret probation and USES Base64 to turn the encrypted string into printable characters that can easily be transmitted over E-mail, say.
Optionally, you can pass a string to preg_quote() to automatically escape any regex operator it finds, as in line 1.
您可以随意将字符串传递给 preg_quote()来自动转义它找到的所有regex操作符,如第 1行所示。
Dr Maughan then analysed X-ray data that proved the discovery was a bona fide galaxy cluster, rather than a string of unconnected galaxies along the same line of sight.
You can fix this bug by editing the gregor.c file's line 79 and removing the string const at the start of that line.
修复这个bug的方法是编辑gregor.c文件第 79行,并删除该行开始部分的字符串const。
Printf And then I'm gonna use the same printf line after that to actually plop it into this formatted string.
Printf And then I'm gonna use the same printf line after that to actually plop it into this formatted string.