An engine model is established for the 4-cylinder 4-stroke gasoline engine.
The composition and viscosity properties of biodegradable two-stroke gasoline engine oils were investigated.
In a two-stroke gasoline engine, exhaust gas pollution is especially severe when it burns rich mixture of blended fuel.
At the same time, simplex four stroke gasoline engine has carried on the corresponding series experiment in Honda HODNA on the G200.
An engine model was established for the 4 cylinder 4 stroke gasoline engine. And the fuel MAP of the mode engine was obtained by scaling experiment.
Based on "two-microphone" method, a sound intensity measurement was carried out towards a vehicle four-stroke gasoline engine in a semi-anechoic room.
Through experiments, the effects of alcohol fuel on the performance of the single-cylinder two-stroke gasoline engine, which is currently in use, are researched.
The all test system works well in the actual operation, which has been successful used as the evaluating detergency test for TC-W3 grade water-cooled two-stroke gasoline engine oils.
实际评定试验中整套装置运行稳定、可靠,已成功用于TC - W3高档水冷二冲程汽油机油的清净性评定。
In this paper, the study on exhaust emission from 2-stroke, 4-stroke gasoline engine and diesel engine, burning methanol-gasoline blend fuel and M100 methanol fuel has been reported.
本文主要报导了在二冲程、四冲程汽油机及柴油机上燃用甲醇-汽油混合燃料、M _(100)甲醇燃料的发动机尾气排放方面所做的研究,并与燃用汽油、柴油的尾气排放进行了对照。
However, a two-stroke engine USES more gasoline and burns lots of oil, so it is far more polluting.
The aircraft is powered by a 360hp air-cooled, four-stroke, petrol (gasoline) piston engine.
Based on the working principle of the four-stroke engine, we model the four-cylinder gasoline engine using bond graph technique.
The engine is four- stroke, air-cooled gasoline engine which is started by rebound starter and it can transmit smoothly without energy loss.
Air-cooled, 2-stroke, single cylinder, gasoline engine.
Air-cooled, 2-stroke, single cylinder, gasoline engine.