In a stroke play competition on a handicap basis, the handicap is deducted at the end of the round and not at individual holes.
In stroke play, a competitor, unable to find his ball in a water hazard, drops another ball behind the hazard under Rule 26-1 and plays it.
在比杆赛上,一名比赛者没在水障碍里找到球,他按照规则26 - 1在水障碍后抛了另一个球,并打了这个球。
In stroke play, a competitors ball came to rest on an artificially-surfaced road which had not been declared an integral part of the course.
In stroke play, a competitors ball comes to rest through the green in a deep rut which has not been defined as ground under repair by the Committee.
When a made a stroke with the wrong ball, he incurred the penalty prescribed in Rule 15-3 and, in stroke play, was obliged to proceed under Rule 27-1.
当a用错球打了一杆时,他就要按照规则15 - 3的规定受处罚,在比杆赛上要按照规则27 - 1进行处理。
In stroke play, the ball the player hit out of bounds was a wrong ball, and the ball played under Rule 27-1 was a continuation of the play of that wrong ball.
在比杆赛上,因为球员打出界的球是错球,而按照规则27 - 1打的球是继续打的错球。
In stroke play, a competitor obtains a ruling from a member of the Committee and proceeds on the basis of that ruling, which involves dropping a ball and playing from a wrong place.
The timing and type of coronary revascularization may play a role in the stroke risk, but until now no studies have looked at this.
The tournament will be played over 54 holes (three rounds) of stroke-play.
Definition: line of play the "line of play" is the direction which the player wishes his ball to take after a stroke, plus a reasonable distance on either side of the intended direction.
The cylinder drives a piston extraction and play materials, and by the one-way valve to control the flow of materials, the magnetic switch control cylinder stroke, which adjust the filling volume.
Am I allowed to place the rake or clubs in the bunker near me while I play my stroke in the same hazard?
Therefore of great importance to play spleen governs the transportation function, the treatment of post-stroke dementia is an important aspect.
Disturbances in estrogen levels play a role in number of disorders including cancers, heart disease, and stroke in women.
If a club is damaged by a player having subjected it to a strain which is not related to making a stroke, it is not considered damaged in the normal course of play.
You must adjust yourself to the stroke of your ink and brush. The whole process is impromptu, just like you play a melody with your emotion changing.
A player is required or elects to play his next stroke at a spot from which his previous stroke was played.
You can also play with speeding up the arm forward after it exits the water to help you lengthen the stroke portion underwater.
The player climbs the tree to play his next stroke. The branch bends under his weight.
A players ball lies under a bush and it is clearly unreasonable for the player to play a stroke at it.
A player believes that his ball may have become unfit for play as a result of his previous stroke, but he is un-able to determine whether the ball is unfit due to a large piece of mud adhering to it.
Objective Evidence from family and epidemiology suggest that genetic factors are likely to play an essential role in the developing of ischemic stroke.
Objective Evidence from family and epidemiology suggest that genetic factors are likely to play an essential role in the developing of ischemic stroke.