Let's take advantage of this nice weather and stroll through the park on our way home.
It makes me happy to see young lovers billing and cooing as they stroll through the park.
Family outings or a quiet stroll through the park will lead to stimulating conversation and a closer bond.
And even a brief stroll through a park or wood could lower blood pressure and improve health, according to research by the National Trust.
根据英国国民信托(the national trust)所作的研究甚至在公园树林里一个短暂的漫步也能降低血压,改善健康。
And even a brief stroll through a park or wood could lower blood pressure and improve health, according to research by the National Trust.
根据英国国民信托(the national trust)所作的研究甚至在公园树林里一个短暂的漫步也能降低血压,改善健康。