But his plans to generate strong growth, by expanding the Wall Street Journal and linking it with his other online and broadcast properties, do not seem terribly convincing.
Mesa foods, a manufacturer of snack foods that currently markets its products within a relatively small region of the country, has strong growth potential.
But Mr Kenny's main responsibility is to sustain the policies that first fostered Ireland's strong growth.
Analysis shows Singapore has had strong growth in financial services, tourism and exports in 2010.
The economy expanded by about 6.5 percent in 2010, continuing a decade of strong growth.
The crackdown prompted stock market falls around the world as investors worried that China's tightening could cool its strong growth and dent expectations for the global recovery.
Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the Arab world, has reported strong growth since 2000, but its economic fortunes depend mostly on oil.
In fact, one of the worst places a startup can end up is having modest momentum in both areas but not being able to show clear, strong growth momentum.
March 30, 2006-strong growth in China, Vietnam and Indonesia helped pave the way for better than expected economic performance in East Asia economies in 2005.
Strong growth and unusually low real interest rates have boosted banks' profits.
We should actively promote the strong growth, focus on maintaining sustainable growth and make efforts to achieve balanced growth.
These Banks have been pitched into the big league rather suddenly, helped by the woes of Western Banks and the continued strong growth in their own economies.
The large size and strong growth in luxury items implies that grey income was substantial in 2010, as suggested by a Credit Swiss report authored by Prof. Wang Xiaolu.
The drought has ended and Argentina, and especially its car industry, is benefiting from strong growth in Brazil.
The announcement comes at a critical juncture for Vietnam, whose economy faces steep challenges despite relatively strong growth over the past year.
Big emerging economies are in the best shape, with strong growth in domestic demand and scant spare capacity.
Airports are the most pressing concern: passenger Numbers grew by 13% during 2009, and further strong growth is expected.
McDonald's has enjoyed several years of strong growth.
March 2, 2009-armenia had a strong growth record and rapidly falling poverty rates before the global economic crisis hit.
African countries are emerging as a big market for Indian goods as they post strong growth.
Brazil, China and India are all seeing strong growth in employment.
India hosted the summit with a view to gaining influence in Africa, a resource-rich region where many economies are Posting strong growth.
India hosted the summit with a view to gaining influence in Africa, a resource-rich region where many economies are Posting strong growth.