We hope to see an advanced, strong and prosperous China emerge in the world.
China and Russia, he has argued, each need the other to be strong and prosperous.
"The strong and prosperous motherland is together with you when you are in hardship," said Captain Wei.
A country cannot become strong and prosperous if it does not make education universal and improve its quality.
We are looking forward to building a strong and prosperous relationship with you based on mutual benefits.
To make our nation strong and prosperous, for the well-being of our offspring, it is imperative to protect the non-renewable resources.
It needs to be the core of an American policy priority that starts with a vision of a strong and prosperous America competing freely and fairly.
After numerous different conquers, including the Romans and Moores that ravaged the city, the Aragonese made Catalonia, of which Barcelona was the capital, strong and prosperous.
It has led the Chinese nation to stand up, become prosperous and grow strong.
I believe in a future where China is a strong, prosperous and successful member of the community of nations; a future when our nations are partners out of necessity, but also out of opportunity.
That's why the United States welcomes China as a strong, prosperous and successful member of the community of nations.
China is on a rising path, and American welcomes the emergence of strong peaceful and prosperous China.
The United Statesreiterated that it welcomes a strong, prosperous and successful Chinathat plays a greater role in world affairs.
Obama said in his speech that the us welcomes China to be a strong, prosperous and successful member of the international community.
The United States has an interest in a strong, peaceful, and prosperous Russia that respects international norms.
The United States reiterated that it welcomes a strong, prosperous and successful China that plays a greater role in world affairs.
We profoundly believe that the Cambodian people can overcome the challenges on the road ahead to make the country prosperous, rich and strong.
The US reiterated it welcomes a prosperous, strong and successful China and a bigger role of China in the international affairs, respects China's core interests and does not seek to contain China.
Mongolian Americans family ties are very strong, and it is considered the responsibility of more prosperous members to look after their less well-to-do relatives.
美籍蒙古人的家庭观念很强。 人们普遍认为那些生活富裕的家庭有责任和义务去照顾那些生活水平较差的亲戚。
The us side reiterates that it welcomes a strong, prosperous and successful China which plays a bigger role in the international affairs.
Indeed, the United States welcomes China as a strong, prosperous, and successful member of the community of nations.
China is on a rising path, and America welcomes the emergence of a strong, peaceful, and prosperous China.
The United States welcomes China as a strong, prosperous and successful member of the rising nations in the world.
The United States welcomes China as a strong, prosperous and successful member of the rising nations in the world.